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定 价:¥32.80

作 者: 陈丹,张亮平,李鹏,王辰晖
出版社: 华中科技大学出版社
标 签: 教材 文法类 研究生/本科/专科教材


ISBN: 9787568005821 出版时间: 2017-02-01 包装: 平装-胶订
开本: 16开 页数: 259 字数:  






Chapter 1 UK & USA(1)
1. UK(1)
2. USA(16)
Chapter 2 The English Language(34)
1. History of the English Language(34)
2. Varieties of English(38)
3. Differences between British English and American English(39)
4. Chinese and English(47)
Chapter 3 Politics(54)
1. Great Britain(54)
2. The United States(67)
Chapter 4 World View and Core Values(85)
1. Dividedness between Man and Nature(85)
2. Individualism(87)
3. Pursuit of Change(90)
4. View of Time(91)
5. Materialism(94)
Chapter 5 Great Events(98)
1. The Industrial Revolution(98)
2. Civil Rights Movement in the United States(101)
Chapter 6 The Bible & Christianity(117)
1. A Brief Introduction to the Bible(117)
2. The Influence of the Bible on British Literature(119)
3. Christianity(123)
Chapter 7 Education(131)
1. Education in the United Kingdom(131)
2. Education in U.S.(136)
3. Two Famous Universities(141)
Chapter 8 Literature(155)
1. British Literature(155)
2. American Literature(163)
Chapter 9 Art—Music & Paintings(179)
1. Music(179)
2. Paintings(187)
Chapter 10 Verbal Communication and English Culture(203)
1. Word Meaning and Culture(203)
2. Communication Style and Culture(217)
Chapter 11 NonVerbal Communication and English Culture(222)
1. Body Language(222)
2. Object Language(230)
3. Environmental Language(232)
Chapter 12 Western Festivals and Holidays(237)
1. Christmas(237)
2. Halloween(243)
3. Thanksgiving Day(248)
4. Valentines Day(251)
