海上丝绸之路与海洋文化研究 杨国桢/3
十七世纪东亚海洋形势与海上丝绸之路变迁 李金明/9
针路簿概说 刘义杰 王宁军/23
清代针路簿《指南正法》中的航海名词术语系统 汪前进/31
《雪尔登中国地图》的发现与研究 龚缨晏 许俊琳/116
西班牙海军博物馆所藏武吉斯海图研究——以马来半岛为例 李毓中 吕子肇/125
多种类型,多重身份:15~17世纪前半期东亚世界国际贸易中的商人 李伯重/147
胡椒、陶瓷、白银与铅币:1570~1620年中国商人在印度尼西亚西爪哇的贸易活动 钱江/177
略论晚明福建漳泉地区对吕宋的移民 周振鹤/200
东南亚的“小广州”:河仙(“港口国”)海上交通与海洋贸易(1670~1810年?代) 李庆新/209
神灵助战与神灵演变——试论“征占”与越南海神的关系 牛军凯/234
西贡埠广肇帮圣母庙初探 耿慧玲/250
朝鲜李朝《备边司誊录》中之粤闽海商史料 袁晓春/269
——兼及《辛酉皇华集》与《朝鲜光海君日记》叙事之比较 孙卫国/284
近年来韩国海洋史研究概况 河世凤/304
清代中国出口欧美的扇子 松浦章/314
——以《颜真卿三稿》与其单帖为中心 马成芬/331
唐代海南岛的海上贸易 叶显恩/347
清代海外贸易通事初探 廖大珂/357
十八世纪在广州的法国商贾和外交官 耿昇/391
乾隆末年荷兰使团出使缘起 蔡香玉/409
黄亚胜案件辨析 冷东 沈晓鸣/427
1760~1843年广州外国人居住区的商业街 范岱克/445
迈向“大分流”:中欧贸易网络和全球消费者在澳门和马赛(18~19世纪) 马龙/466
谢清高与居澳葡人——有关《海录》口述者谢清高几则档案资料研究 刘迎胜/483
光绪初年澳葡强占十字门水域考 徐素琴/504
再探十九世纪香港的德国社群 麦劲生/526
轮船招商局与清季广东航运业的发展 李 洋/544
Part I
The Maritime Silk Roads and the Study of Maritime CultureYang Guozhen /8
The Ocean Circumstances of East Asia in the 17th Century and Transition of the Maritime Silk Roads Li Jinming /21
A Brief Introduction of Zhenlu BuLiu Yijie Wang Ningjun /30
Navigation Term System in a Zhenlu Bu of the Qing Dynasty:Zhinan ZhengfaWang Qianjin/115
A Critical Review of the Selden Map of China Gong Yingyan Xu Junlin /124
A Study on the Bugis Sea Chart Collected in the Naval Museum of Madrid:Focusing on the Malay Peninsula Li Yuzhong Loo Cher Jau /143
Part II
Of Different Types and with Different Identities:Merchants in Global Trade in the East Asian Community in the Time from the 15th up to the Mid-17th CenturiesLi Bozhong /176
Pepper,Porcelain,Silver and Caixas:The Chinese Merchants’Activities in West Java,1570-1620 Qian Jiang /198
The Chinese Migration from Zhang-Quan Areas to Luzon Island in the Late Ming DynastyZhou Zhenhe /207
Southeast Asia’s Small Canton:Maritime Traffic and Trade in Hà Tiên(Can Cao)(1670s-1810s Li Qingxin /232
A Research on the Relationship Between Conquering Champa and Vietnamese Sea Deities Niu Junkai /249
A Research on Guang-Zhao Association’s Matsu Temple in Saigon Geng Huiling /267
Sea Merchants of Guangdong and Fujian on the Maritime Silk Roads:A Research Based on the Beibiansi Tenglu Yuan Xiaochun /282
Liu Hongxun’s Mission to Choson Korea and the Reopening of Choson’s Maritime Tribute Road to Ming:With a Narrative Comparison Between Xinyou Huanghuaji and Choson Ghuanghaejun Rigi Sun Weiguo /303
An Overview of Recent Studies of the Maritime History in KoreaHa Sae-Bong /313
Chinese Fans Exported to Europe and America During the Qing DynastyMatsuura Akira /330
A Research on the Calligraphy by Yan Zhenqing Exported to Japan During the Edo Period:Focusing on the Yan Zhenqing SangaoMa Chengfen /343
Part III
Maritime Trade in the Hainan Island in the Tang DynastyYe Xian’en /355
An Inquiry into the Interpreter of Overseas Trade During the Qing DynastyLiao Dake /390
The French Merchants and Diplomatic Officers in Canton During the 18th CenturyGeng Sheng /407
The Origin of the Dutch Embassy to China in 1794 Cai Xiangyu /426
An Analysis of the Case“Hwang Ya-Shing”Leng Dong Shen Xiaoming /444
The Shopping Streets in the Foreign Quarter at Canton in 1760-1843Paul A. van Dyke /464
Toward a“Greater Divergence”:Sino-European Trade Networks and Global Consumers in Macau and Marseille(the 18th-19th Centuries)Manuel Perez Garcia /481
Xie Qinggao and the Portuguese in Macau:A Study on 5 Archives In Chapas Sinicas Kept in Torre do Tombo Relating to the Author of HailuLiu Yingsheng /503
Textual Criticism on the Progress that Portuguese in Macau Controlled the Cross Gate Water Xu Suqin /524
Reexamining the German Community in Hong Kong in the 19th Century Ricardo K. S. Mak /542
Merchants Steamship Navigation Company and Development of the Cantonese Shipping Industry in the Late Qing DynastyLi Yang /555