本套丛书从人文视角对西藏的历史、宗教、文学、艺术、民俗进行精当展示,独到解读、描绘西藏风土人情和文化风貌,向国内外读者展示西藏魅力。各分册在内容上较多吸收了相关领域研究成果,注重讲故事,雅俗共赏。本书由著名藏学专家、中国藏学研究中心历史所原所长陈庆英撰稿。全书清晰梳理了西藏历史发展脉络,特别是以历史唯物主义的视角和方法,将西藏历史各时期重大事件的背景、过程及影响,与西藏作为地方同中央的归属关系紧密联系起来,用无可辩驳的史实证明西藏是中国固有领土和不可分割的组成部分。This book, written by famous Tibetologist Chen Qingying, clearly outlines the historical development of Tibet. It elaborates on background, process and impact of major events from the angle of historical materialism, but also closely associates them with the relationship between the local government of Tibet and the central government. It proves with undeniable facts that Tibet is an inseparable part of China.