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Standard for Flood Control GB50201-2014 防洪标准(英文版)

Standard for Flood Control GB50201-2014 防洪标准(英文版)

定 价:¥260.00

作 者: 中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部,中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局 编
出版社: 中国水利水电出版社
标 签: 工业技术 水利工程 治河工程与防洪工程


ISBN: 9787517050537 出版时间: 2016-12-01 包装: 平装-胶订
开本: 32开 页数: 字数:  


  China Water Conservancy and Hydropower Investigation and Design Association (CWHIDA) which has 390 members is a non-profit,national-wide and self-regulatory organization under the administration of Ministry of Water Resources of the People's Republic of China.In order to satisfy the increasing demand from international water conservancy and hydropower.engineering construction, CWHIDA has formulated the Translation Plan of Technical Standards 2015-2017 and organized its members to translate some technical standards from Chinese into English.The translation of GB 50201-2014 Standard for Flood Control from Chinese into English was organized by CWHIDA in accordance with due procedures and regulations applicable in the country.The translation was undertaken by Yellow River Engineering Consulting Co. , Ltd.The English version of this standard is identical to its Chinese original GB 50201-2014 Standard for Flood Control,which includes the table of contents and main body of the Chinese original GB 50201-2014.Translation task force includes WANG Yu, LIU Juan, PAN Yue, WU Hailiang and ZHANG Zhihong.The English version of this standard was reviewed by ZHU Dangsheng, LEI Xingshun, TIAN Ying, DING Xiuxia, YANG Weijiu, WANG Hong, LUO Sujuan, HU Juan and LIU Jiahui.


暂缺《Standard for Flood Control GB50201-2014 防洪标准(英文版)》作者简介


Introduction to English Version
1 GeneralProvisions
2 Terms
3 BasicRequirements
4 Flood Protection Areas
4.1 General Requirements
4.2 Urban Flood Protection Areas
4.3 Rural Flood Protection Areas
5 Industrial and Mining Enterprises
6 Transport Infrastructure
6.1 Railways
6.2 Highways
6.3 Waterways
6.4 Civil Airports
6.5 Pipeline Engineering
7 PowerFacilities
7. Thermal Power Plants
7.2 Nuclear Power Plants
7.3 High,Extra-high and Ultra-high Voltage Transnussion and Transformation Facilities
8 Environmental Protection Facilities
8.1 Tailing Ponds
8.2 Ash Storage Projects
8.3 Waste Treatment Projects
9 Communication Facilities
10 Cultural Relics,Historic Sites and Tourism Facilities
10.1 Cultural Relics and Historic Sites
10.2 Tourism Facilities
11 Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering
11.1 Scales of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering
11.2 Grades of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering
11.3 Reservoir Engineering
11.4 Hydropower Plant Engineering
11.5 Cross-river Sluice Engineering
11.6 Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
11.7 Water Supply Engineering
11.8 Levee Engineering
Explanation of Wording
List of Quoted Standards
