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稀土科学与技术进展Progress in Science and Technology(英文版)

稀土科学与技术进展Progress in Science and Technology(英文版)

定 价:¥138.00

作 者: 中国稀土协会 著
出版社: 科学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787030531216 出版时间: 2017-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 268 字数:  




暂缺《稀土科学与技术进展Progress in Science and Technology(英文版)》作者简介


Section A: Full Paper
A High-Efficient System of the Ionic-Liquid Containing CHON-Type Extractant for Extraction and Recovery of Rare-earth Resources 3
The Principle and Advantages of Fractional Extraction System with Two Inlets for Separating Rare Earths from Two Kinds of Material Liquid 9
Effects of Composite Powders of Cerium Oxide / Tourmaline on Diesel Combustion 17
Molecular Modeling and the Structures of the Lanthanide Complexes with Cyclopyridines, a Novel Class of Ligands I: Cyclotripyridine and Its Ln(III), Sc(III) and Y(III) Complexes 28
Study on Criticality Assessment of Rare Earths 36
Gradient Distribution of Dy in Diffusion Treated Nd-Fe-B Sintered Magnet 42
Effect of Minor Yttrium on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Die-Casting Magnesium Alloy AZ91D 50
Review on Application Technology of Light Rare Earth Elements La and Ce 59
Study on Sol-Gel-Foaming Method for Preparing a Novel Porous Ceria 66
Beneficiation-Hydrometallurgy Combination to Process a Phosphorus Rare Earth Ore 71
Broad-Band Absorption and Sensitized Fluorescence of Sr8MgY(PO4)7: Tb3+ Phosphors by Codoping with Ce3+ Ions 84
Effect of the Sintering Behavior and Far Infrared Radiation Property of Rare Earth-Doped Iron Ore Tailings Ceramic 95
Study on the Change of Soil Erosion Pattern Using Rare Earths Elements Tracking Method 104
Lattice Boltzmann Simulation for the Process of Mass Transfer of Leaching Rare Earth 113
Section B: Abstract
Ceria: A Versatile Oxide for Energy and Environmental Applications 131
China’s Rare-Earth Permanent Magnet Industry 132
C-Type and Fluorite-Type Rare Earth Oxides: Application for Functional Catalysts 133
Trends in Global Downstream Application and Forecasted Demand for Rare Earths in 2020 134
Rare Earth Phosphors for Lighting and Display 135
Status of Rare Earth Hydrogen Storage Materials and Ni-MH Batteries and Future Prospects 136
Application of Rare Earth Ions in Fast and High Density Scintillators 137
Crystallization Study of Functional Rare Earth Inorganic Materials 139
Rare Earth Oxide Materials: Exploiting Size, Spins and Spectra 140
Structure and Negative Thermal Expansion in RE Compounds 142
Design, Syntheses and Characterizations of Several Novel Long Persistent Phosphors 143
Molecular Modeling and the Structures of the Lanthanide Complexes with Cyclopyridines, a Novel Class of Ligands I: Cyclotripyridine and Its Lanthanide(III) Complexes 144
REE Recycling by Advanced Magnetic Separation Nanotechnology 145
New Technique for Bayan Obo Mixed RE Concentrate Based on Valency Change and Complexation of Cerium with Fluorine and Phosphorus 146
Synthesis and Reactivity Studies of Rare Earth Polydentate Aryloxide Complexes 147
Design and Investigation of New Mold Fluxes for Heat Resistant Steel Containing Rare Earth Continuous Casting 149
Organometallic Rare Earth N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes for C—H Bond Activation and Catalysis 151
Recovery of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) from Pregnant Leach Solution of Apatite through Precipitation 152
Extraction and Separation of Ce(IV), F(I) and Th(IV) from Sulphuric Acid Leaching of Bastnaesite by a Novel Extractant Cextrant 230 153
Recovery of Rare Earth From Leaching Solution of Ion-Adsorption Rare Earth Ores by Centrifugal Extraction with HEH(EHP) and D2EHPA 154
A Process of Rare Earths Leaching and Extraction Separation in Sulfuric Acid System with Magnesium Bicarbonate Solution, as Well as Magnesium Salt Wastewater Recycling 155
Recovery of Terbium and Gallium from TGG Crystal 156
Geochemistry of Rare Earth Elements within Jamaican Bauxite Deposits 157
The Effect of Rare Earth (Cerium) Ions Location on REY Zeolite Catalytic Activity and Product Distribution in FCC Process 158
Beneficiation and Leaching of Phosphate Process Streams for REE Recovery 160
Complex Processing of Phosphor Production Slag with Rare Earth Metals Recovery and Deriving of Silicon-Containing Solution 161
Novel Algorithm for Solving Minimum Extraction Amount in Multi-component Extraction System 163
Synthesis, Luminescence Properties and Mechanisms of Novel Long-Persistent Phosphorescence Materials Na2CaSn2Ge3O12, Ca2SnO4 and CaSnO3 Doped by Rare Earth Ions 164
Beneficiation-Hydrometallurgy Combination to Process a Phosphorus Rare Earth Ore 166
Experimental Study and Thermodynamic Calculation of Lu2O3-SiO2 Binary System 167
Promising Hydrogen Storage Properties of La-Y-Mg-Ca-Ni AB3-Type Alloys 168
Ionic Conductor Titanate Red Phosphor in LEDs and FEDs: DFT Calculation, Luminescent Characteristic, Thermal Stability and Conductivity Analysis 169
From Supramolecular Assembly to Luminescent Detection of Biomarkers 170
Optical and Scintillation Performance of Ce Doped Li6RE(BO3)3 (RE=Gd, Y, Lu) Crystals for Neutron Detection 172
Control of Agglomeration During the Preparation of Nanometer Yttrium Oxide by Precipitat
