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定 价:¥59.00

作 者: 张晓峰
出版社: 大连海事大学出版社
丛编项: 造修船人员业务提高实用丛书
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787563234431 出版时间: 2017-02-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 267 字数:  






Section 1 Familiarization of Shipbuilding Industry
第1篇 熟悉造船业
Chapter 1 International Shipping Economy and Shipbuilding/第l章 国际航运经济与造船
Lesson 1 Relationship Between International Shipping Economy and Shipbuilding Industry/第1课国际航运经济和造船业的关联
Lesson 2 International Route and Types of Ships/第2课国际航线和船舶种类
Lesson 3 Introductions to Shipowners/第3课船东介绍
Lesson 4 IACS and Classification Societies/第4课 国际船级社协会和船级社
Lesson 5 Flag State Control and Port State Control/第5课船旗国监督和港口国监督
Lesson 6 Introductions to the International Maritime Conventions/第6课国际海事公约介绍
Lesson 7 Ships’Certificates/第7课船舶证书
Chapter 2 History of the Shipbuilding Industry and Development of World’s Major
Shipbuilding Industry/第2章造船业的历史和全球主流造船业的发展
Lesson 8 Introductions to the Ancient Shipbuilding/第8课古代造船业介绍
Lesson 9 New Energy Resource,New Notion of Shipbuilding/第9课新能源,新造船理念
Lesson 10 Brief Introductions to the Shipbuilding Industry in R.O.Korea/第10课韩国造船业简介
Lesson 11 Brief Introductions to the Shipbuilding Industry in Japan/第11课日本造船业简介
Chapter 3 Shipbuilding Industry in China/第3章中国造船业
Lesson 12 Introductions to China State Shipbuilding Corporation/第12课 中国船舶工业集团公司介绍
Lesson 13 China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation/第13课中国船舶重工集团公司
Lesson 14 Scattering of Shipyards in China/第14课中国船厂分布
Chapter 4 Participation and Development in the Shipbuilding Industry/第4章在造船业的入职和发展
Lesson 15 Organizations and Cuhures in Typical Shipyards in China/第15课 典型中国船厂的组织机构和文化
Lesson 16 To Fit in the Shipyards/第16课融人船厂
Lesson 17 Types of Shipyards and Their Facilities/第l 7课船厂种类与设施
Section 2 Marketing for Shipbuilding Industry
第2篇 造船业市场营销
Chapter 5 Marketing Strategies for the Shipbuilding Industry/第5章造船业市场营销策略
Lesson 18 Marketing Notions for the Shipbuilding Industry/第18课造船业市场营销理念
Lesson 19 Customer Orientation Thought/第19课客户为中心思想
Chapter 6 Practical Marketing in the Shipbuilding Industry/第6章造船业市场营销
Lesson 20 Enquiry and Offer/第20课询价与报价
Lesson 21 Shipbuilding Contract/第21课造船合同
Section 3 Ship Design
第3篇 船舶设计
Chapter 7 Introductions to the Ship Design/第7章船舶设计介绍
Lesson 22 Introductions t0 the Soflware for the Shipbuilding/第22课船舶建造软件
Lesson 23 N0tions of the Ship Design/第23课船舶设计的理念
Lesson 24 Important Parameters in the Ship Design(1)/第24课船舶设计中的重要
Lesson 25 Important Parameters in the Ship Design(2)/第25课船舶设计中的重要
Chapter 8 Introductions to the Ship Structures/第8章船舶结构介绍
Lesson 26 Types of Ships/第26课船舶种类
Lesson 27 C0mmon TeYins in Ship Structures/第27课船舶结构中的常用术语
Lesson 28 Framing System of Ship Structures/第28课船舶结构的骨架系统
Lesson 29 Hull Structures/第29课船体结构
Lesson 30 B0ttom Structures/第30课船底结构
Lesson 31 Deck Structures/第31课甲板结构
Lesson 32 Ship Side Structures/第32课舷侧结构
Chapter 9 Introductions to the Shipborne Installations and Systems/第9章船舶设备和系统介绍
Lesson 33 Bridge Installations/第33课驾驶台设备
Lesson 34 Tanks/第34课液舱
Lesson 35 Deck Machinery/第35课甲板机械
Lesson 36 Main Propulsion Plant/第36课主推进装置
Lesson 37 Steering Gear System/第37课舵机系统
Lesson 38 Marine Power System/第38课船舶供电系统
Lesson 39 Life—Saving Appliance/第39课救生设施
Lesson 40 Shipboard Fire—Fighting Appliance/第40课船舶消防设施
Lesson 41 Anti-Pollution System and Personal Hygiene System/第41课防污系统与个人卫生系统
Lesson 42 Cargo Handling System/第42课货物装卸系统
Lesson 43 Ship Ventilating System/第43课船舶通风系统
Lesson 44 Bilge System and Ballast System/第44课 船舶污水系统和压载系统
Lesson 45 Auxiliary Machinery System/第45课辅机系统
Section 4 Shipbuilding
第4篇 船舶建造
Chapter 10 Use of Shipbuilding Materials/第10章造船材料的使用
Lesson 46 Shipbuilding Procedures/第46课造船程序
Lesson 47 Basic Materials for Shipbuilding/第47课基本造船材料
Lesson 48 Welding for Shipbuilding/第48课造船中的焊接
Lesson 49 Premetalworking of Shipbuilding Materials/第49课造船材料预处理
Chapter 11 Introductions to the Ship Structure Modules/第11章船舶结构模块介绍
Lesson 50 Introductions to the Foreward Module/第50课艏部分介绍
Lesson 51 Introductions to the Midships Module/第51课舯段介绍
Lesson 52 Introductions to the Aft Module/第52课艉部分介绍
LessOn 53 Introductions to the Engine Room Module/第53课机舱模块介绍
Lesson 54 Introductions to the Accommodation Modules/第54课 生活区模块介绍
第5篇 船舶质量与管理
Chapter 12 Quality Control/第12章质量控制
Lesson 55 Quality Control Awarenesses and Concepts/第55课质量控制意识和概念
Lesson 56 ISO and Its Standards Concerning Shipbuilding/第56课 国际标准化组织
Lesson 57 National Standards/第57课国家标准
Lesson 58 Other International Organizations Concerning Shipbuilding Standards
Chapter 13 Working Safety in Shipyards/第13章船厂工作安全
Lesson 59 Risk Assessments in Shipyards/第59课船厂风险评估
Lesson 60 Common Liable Hazardous Substances in Shipbuilding/第60课造船时
Lesson 61 Personal Injury Avoidance Methods/第61课防止人身伤害的方法
Lesson 62 Fire Prevention in Shipyards/第62课船厂预防火灾
Lesson 63 Critical Work Safety.Checklist and Permit Schemes/第63课重要工作安
Section 6 Launching,Sea Trial,Delivery
第6篇 下水、试航、交船
Chapter 14 Launching and Sea Trial/第14章下水与试航
Lesson 64 Launching/第64课下水
Lesson 65 Ship Particulars/第65课船舶数据
Lesson 66 Sea Trials/第66课试航
Lesson 67 Safety Rules for Sea Trials/第67课船舶试航安全规定
Chapter 15 Delivery and After-Sale Service/第15章交船与售后服务
Lesson 68 Christening or Naming Ceremony and Delivery of Ship/第68课命名仪式和交接
Lesson 69 Surveys for Ship Classes/第69课船级检验
Lesson 70 After-Sale Service/第70课售后服务
