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定 价:¥34.50

作 者: 《旅游职业英语》编写组
出版社: 高等教育出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787040465402 出版时间: 2017-03-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 103 字数:  






Chapter One Tour Guide Services
Unit 1 Domestic Local Travel Guides
Section I Introduction:Domestic Local Travel Guides
Section II Intensive Reading:Etiqffettd of Welcoming and Seeing off TouriS
Section III Extensive Reading:The American Express and China's Tourism
Section IV Writing:Reservotion Confirmation Letters
Section V Career Salon:Baggage Issues
Section VI Useful Words&Expressions
Unit 2 Inbound National Guides
Section I Introduction:Inbound Naiional Guides
Section II Intensive Reading:The Increasing Tourism of China
Section III Extensive Reading: How to Hdndle Clients’Complaints
Section IV Writing:Notice
Section V Career Salon:A Safe Trip Abrbad
Section VI Useful Words&Expressions
Chapter Two Travel Agency Services
Unit 3 Inbound and Outbound Tour Operators
Section I Introduction:Inbound and 0UtbOund Tour Operators
Section II Intensive Reading:Tour Operators
Section III Extensive Reading:More Descriptions of Tour Operators
Section IV Writing:Itinerary
Section V Career Salon:Safety on Public Transportation
Section VI Useful Words&Ekpressions
Unit 4 Inbound and 0utbound Tour Groups
Section I Introduction:Tour Sale Operators
Section II Intensive Reading:Instructions to Organizing a Tour Group
Section III Extensive Reading:More rips|or Organizing Tour Groups
Section JV Writing:Thank-you Le~ers
Section V Career Salon:Passport Issues
Section VI Useful Words&Expressions
Unit 5 Customer Service
Section I Introduction:Customer Se,~ce Agents
Section II Intensive Reading:How to Handle Customer Complaints Effectively
Section III Extensive Reading:SixRuleslto Squash o Gustomefs Complaint
Section IV Writing:Complaint Reply Letters
Section V Career Salon:Law Issues
Section VI Useful Words&Expressions
Chapter Three Hotei Services
Unit 6 Hotel Housekeeping
Section I Introduction:Hotel Houseke#pers
Section II Intensive Reading:Duties and Responsibilities of Hotel
Section III Extensive Reading:Problem with Hotel Housekeeping
SecHon IV Writing:LaundryFormg
Section V Career Salon:Hotel Security Basics
Section Vl Useful Words&Expressions
Unit 7 Food and Beverage
Section I Introduction:Food and:Beverage Department
Section II Intensive Reading:Etiquette of Western Dining and Western table ware
Section III Extensive Reading The;Story of Tips
Section IV Writing:Farewell Speech
Section V Career Salon:T/ps on Fbod Safety
Section VI Useful Words&Expressions
Unit 8 Hotel Recreation
Section I Introduction:Hotel Recreatidn Department
Section II Intensive Reading:Features to Lookfor in\
