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定 价:¥40.00

作 者: 周东华,夏云建
出版社: 湖北人民出版社
丛编项: 中国首套马术赛马领域系列丛书
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787216089708 出版时间: 2016-08-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 201 字数:  






Chapter 1Understanding the Horse
1.1 Basic Knowledge About Horse
1.2 Different Types ofHorses in the World
1.3 Culture Knowledge Relating with Horse
Chapter 2 Horse Riding
2.1 The Equipments ofHorse Riding
2.2 How Do You Start Riding Dressage?
2.3 Happy Hooves Happy Horse
Chapter 3 Horse Racing
3.1 Different Horse Racing Types in the World
3.2 International Young Breeders Championships
3.3 Horse Festivals in the WOrld
Chapter 4 Equestrian Organization
4.1 The F6d6ration Equestrian International(FEI)
4.2 Federation of International Polo rFIP)
4.3 Equestrian Australia(EA、
4.4 Irish Racing Services(IRS)
4.5 International Federation ofHorseracing
4.6 British Equestrian Trade Association(BETA)
4.7 American Horse Council
4.8 Chinese HoMe Industry Association(CHIA)
4.9 Chinese Equestrian Association(CEA)
Chapter 5 History and Development Situation of Horse Racing in China
5.1 The History ofHorse Racing in China
5.2 The Current Situation ofHorse Racing in China
5.3 The Development ofHorse Racing in China
Chapter 6 Different Horse Racing Events
6.1 Dressage
6.2 Endurance
6.3 Eventing
6.4 Jumping
6.5 Vaulting
6.6 Show Horse
6.7 Para—Equestrian
Chapter 7 About Horse Racing Betting
7.1 Betting on Horse Racing
7.2 Why It Is Essential To Learn Horse Betting Basics Before Placing Huge Bets
7.3 Leading the Horse Race Betting Scene
7.4 Ascots Summer of Champions:Increased Horse Racing Betting
7.5 Bet Horse Racing
Chapter 8 Reading Materials Related with Stallion
8.1 Stallion Safe Practices Guidelines Effective
8.2 The Introduction of Stallion
Chapter 9 Coaches and Trainers of Horse
9.1 Code ofEthics for EA NCAS Coaches
9.2 Legendary Horse Trainer Toby Balding Dies at Age 78
Chapter 10 Reading Materials Related with Farrier and Vet
10.1 Big Shoes to Fit
10.2 History of Veterinary Profession
Chapter 11 Something About Horse Raising
11.1 What Does It Cost to Raise a Horse?
11.2 Horse Feeding_
Chapter 12 Horse Industry in China
12.1 Interest in Horse Riding Grows in China
12.2 From the Horse’S Mouth.Literally
Chapter 13 Horse Story and Horse Rider
13.1 Words and Their Stories:Hold Your Horses
13.2 Zara Phillips_
Chapter 14 Horse Health and Welfare
14.1 Horse Meat Scandal Spreads Across Europe。
14.2 The Role of the Nha Vets in Ensuring the Welfare of the Horse on Racedays
Chapter 15 Horse Racing Competition
15.1 Big Brown Pulls Up in Horse Racing’S Triple Crown Bid
15.2 Big Day ofRacing in Australia with 3 Aus-1Events
15.3 Grass Tracks Grow in Califomia
15.4 Horse Racing 101Beginner’S Guide to Horse Racing
Chapter 16 Reading Materials Related with Equestrian Structure
16.1 EquestrianAustralia Casual Board Vacancy
16.2 Special General Meeting
Chapter 17 Rules and Regulations of Horse Racing
17.1 Rules and Regulations ofHorse Racing in Australian
17.2 Integrity Commissioner to Oversea Victorian Racing
17.3 Rules ofRacing—Fast Facts
The Appendix
I Terms ofEquestrian rHorse Racing)
II Terms Related with Equestrian(Horse Racing)Spots
III Terms Related with Equestrian Spots
