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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科文化世界各国文化中西文化比较(英文版)



定 价:¥45.00

作 者: 王焱,赵牟丹,宋阳,徐影,王艳东 著
出版社: 清华大学出版社
丛编项: 高校转型发展系列教材
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787302482437 出版时间: 2017-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 360 字数:  


  《中西文化比较:英文版》通过选择*具代表性的篇章对比中西方文化,配以生动有趣、通俗易懂的练习,从多个视角比较中西文化差异,深入浅出地剖析中西文化产生冲突的原因 ,探讨中国文化的传承,探索中西文化的融合。本教材共 14 个单元,每单元由 8 个部分组成:课文背景、词汇拓展、课文 A、课文 B、课文 C、阅读技能拓展、课文复述和寓教于乐。每篇课文后均设相关练习,并在单元后附加参考答案。本教材适合应用技能型人才培养需要,可作为英语专业学生必修或选修课教材、非英语专业的“后续拓展课程教材”、面向各专业开设的通识教育课程教材及英语学习者了解中西方文化的自学材料。




Unit 1 The Chinese and Western Philosophy 1
Text A 2
Text B 6
Text C 10
Reading Skill Development 16
Keys 19
Unit 2 The Chinese and Western Language 24
Text A 25
Text B 29
Text C 33
Reading Skill Development 39
Keys 42
Unit 3 The Chinese and Western Communication 47
Text A 48
Text B 52
Text C 56
Reading Skill Development 62
Keys 65
Unit 4 The Chinese and Western Festival 70
Text A 71
Text B 75
Text C 79
Reading Skill Development 85
Keys 88
Unit 5 The Chinese and Western Cuisine 93
Text A 94
Text B 98
Text C 102
Reading Skill Development 108
Keys 111
Unit 6 The Chinese and Western Costume 116
Text A 117
Text B 121
Text C 125
Reading Skill Development 131
Keys 134
Unit 7 The Chinese and Western Literature 139
Text A 140
Text B 142
Text C 148
Reading Skill Development 154
Keys 157
Unit 8 The Chinese and Western Painting 162
Text A 163
Text B 167
Text C 171
Reading Skill Development 177
Keys 180
Unit 9 The Chinese and Western Music 185
Text A 186
Text B 190
Text C 194
Reading Skill Development 200
Keys 203
Unit 10 The Chinese and Western Mythology 208
Text A 209
Text B 213
Text C 217
Reading Skill Development 223
Keys 226
Unit 11 The Chinese and Western Society 231
Text A 232
Text B 236
Text C 240
Reading Skill Development 246
Keys 249
Unit 12 The Chinese and Western Science 254
Text A 255
Text B 259
Text C 263
Reading Skill Development 269
Keys 272
Unit 13 The Chinese and Western Medicine 277
Text A 278
Text B 282
Text C 286
Reading Skill Development 292
Keys 295
Unit 14 The Chinese and Western Architecture 300
Text A 301
Text B 305
Text C 309
Reading Skill Development 315
Keys 318
Glossary 323
References and Websites 346
