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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术计算机/网络人工智能ROS高效机器人编程(第3版 影印版 英文版)

ROS高效机器人编程(第3版 影印版 英文版)

ROS高效机器人编程(第3版 影印版 英文版)

定 价:¥92.00

作 者: [西] 阿尼尔·马哈塔尼 著
出版社: 东南大学出版社
标 签: 程序设计 计算机/网络


ISBN: 9787564173654 出版时间: 2017-10-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 平装开 页数: 441 字数:  


  《ROS高效机器人编程(第3版 影印版 英文版)》中包含了大量可以上手的例子,可以帮助你对自己的机器人进行编程。同时利用开源的ROS库和工具给出了一套完整的解决方案。另外还展示了如何利用虚拟机和Dcoker容器简化Ubuntu和ROS框架的安装,使你可以在一个隔离的、受控的环境中开始工作,无需修改通常的计算机设置。《ROS高效机器人编程(第3版 影印版 英文版)》首先讲解了安装方法和基本概念,然后介绍了多复杂的ROS模块,例如传感器和传动装置集成(驱动)、导航和绘图(这样你就可以创建自主式移动机器人了)、控制处理、计算机视觉、使用PCL的3D感知等。最后。你将能够利用ROSKinetic的所有特性构建一个全功能的机器人。


暂缺《ROS高效机器人编程(第3版 影印版 英文版)》作者简介


Chapter 1: Getting Started with ROS
PC installation
Installing ROS Kinetic using repositories
Configuring your Ubuntu repositories
Setting up your source.list file
Setting up your keys
Installing ROS
Initializing rosdep
Setting up the environment
Getting rosinstall
How to install VirtualBox and Ubuntu
Downloading VirtualBox
Creating the virtual machine
Using ROS from a Docker image
Installing Docker
Getting and using ROS Docker images and containers
Installing ROS in BeagleBone Black
Setting up the local machine and source.list file
Setting up your keys
Installing the ROS packages
Initializing rosdep for ROS
Setting up the environment in the BeagleBone Black
Getting rosinstall for BeagleBone Black
Basic ROS example on the BeagleBone Black
Chapter 2: ROS Architecture and Concepts
Understanding the ROS Filesystem level
The workspace
Understanding the ROS Computation Graph level
Nodes and nodelets
The ROS master
Parameter Server
Understanding the ROS Community level
Tutorials to practise with ROS
Navigating through the ROS filesystem
Creating our own workspace
Creating an ROS package and metapackage
Building an ROS package
Playing with ROS nodes
Learning how to interact with topics
Learning how to use services
Using Parameter Server
Creating nodes
Building the node
Creating msg and srv files
Using the new srv and msg files
The launch file
Dynamic parameters
Chapter 3: Visualization and Debugging Tools
Debugging ROS nodes
Using the GDB debugger with ROS nodes
Attaching a node to GDB while launching ROS
Profiling a node with valgrind while launching ROS
Enabling core dumps for ROS nodes
Logging messages
Outputting logging messages
Setting the debug message level
Configuring the debugging level of a particular node
Giving names to messages
Conditional and filtered messages
Showing messages once, throttling, and other combinations
Using rqt_console and rqt_loggerlevel to modify the logging level on the fly
Inspecting the system
Inspecting the node's graph online with rqt_graph
Setting dynamic parameters
Dealing with the unexpected
Visualizing nodes diagnostics
Plotting scalar data
Creating a time series plot with rqt plot
Image visualization
Visualizing a single image
3D visualization
Visualizing data in a 3D world using rqt_rviz
The relationship between topics and frames
Visualizing frame transformations
Saving and playing back data
What is a bag file?
Recording data in a bag file with rosbag
Playing back a bag file
Inspecting all the topics and messages in a bag file
Using the rqtgui and rqt plugins
Chapter 4: 3D Modeling and Simulation
Chapter 5: The Navigation Stack - Robot Setups
Chapter 6: The Navigation Stack - Beyond Setups
Chapter 7: Manipulation with Movelt!
Chapter 8: Using Sensors and Actuators with ROS
Chapter 9: Computer Vision
Chapter 10: Point Clouds
