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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术计算机/网络网络与数据通信网络化控制系统的数据包控制(英文版)



定 价:¥85.00

作 者: 赵云波 等 著
出版社: 科学出版社
标 签: >计算机/网络 >通信 >网络与数据通信


ISBN: 9787030539694 出版时间: 2017-11-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 200 字数:  






1 A Brief Tutorial of Networked Control Systems 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Communicational Characteristics of NCSs 3
1.2.1 Network Topology 3
1.2.2 Packet-Based Data Transmission 4
1.2.3 Limited Network Resources 7
1.3 The Research on Networked Control Systems 9
1.3.1 Control-Centred Research on NCSs 9
1.3.2 Co-Design for NCSs 10
1.4 Summary 11
Part I Design
2 Packet-Based Control Design for Networked Control Systems 15
2.1 Problem Statement 15
2.2 Packet-Based Control for NCSs 17
2.2.1 Packet-Based Control for NCSs:A Unified Model17
2.2.2 Design of the Packet-Based Control for NCSs 18
2.3 Stability of Packet-Based NCSs 22
2.3.1 A Switched System Theory Approach 22
2.3.2 A Delay Dependent Analysis Approach 23
2.4 Controller Design:A GPC-Based Approach 25
2.5 Numerical and Experimental Examples 27
2.6 Summary 32
3 Packet-Based Control for Networked Hammerstein Systems 33
3.1 System Description 33
3.2 Packet-Based Control for Networked Hammerstein Systems 35
3.2.1 Intermediate FCS(FCIS) 35
3.2.2 The Nonlinear Input Process 38
3.2.3 Packet-Based Control for Networked Hammerstein Systems 39
3.3 Stability Analysis of Packet-Based Networked Hammerstein Systems 40
3.3.1 Stability Criterion in Input-Output Description 40
3.3.2 Stability Criterion in State-Space Description 42
3.4 Numerical and Experimental Examples 46
3.5 Summary 49
4 Packet-Based Control for Networked Wiener Systems 51
4.1 System Description 51
4.2 Packet-Based Control for Networked Wiener Systems 52
4.3 Stability Analysis of Packet-Based Networked Wiener Systems 54
4.3.1 Observer Error 54
4.3.2 Closed-Loop Stability 55
4.4 Numerical and Experimental Examples 57
4.5 Summary 58
5 Packet-Based Networked Control Systems in
Continuous Time 61
5.1 Packet-Based Control in Continuous Time 61
5.1.1 Packet-Based Control for NCSs in
Continuous Time 62
5.1.2 A Novel Model for NCSs 65
5.2 Stability and Stabilization 66
5.3 A Numerical Example 73
5.4 Summary 74
Part II Analysis
6 Stochastic Stabilization of Packet-Based Networked Control Systems 77
6.1 Stochastic Analysis of PBNCSs 77
6.1.1 Stochastic Model of PBNCSs 78
6.1.2 Stochastic Stability and Stabilization 80
6.2 A Numerical Example 84
6.3 Summary 85
7 Stability of Networked Control Systems:A New Time Delay Systems Approach 87
7.1 The Novel Time Delay System Model for PBNCSs 87
7.2 Stability and Stabilization 89
7.3 An Illustrative Example 95
7.4 Summary 97
8 Exploring the Different Delay Effects in Different Channels in Networked Control Systems 99
8.1 Problem Formulation 99
8.2 Categorizing the Control Laws 101
8.2.1 Two General Categories of the Control Laws 101
8.2.2 The Delay-Dependent Control Laws 102
8.3 When and How the Delay Effects in Different Channels Are Different 102
8.3.1 When the Delay Effects Are Different:A Qualitative Analysis 103
8.3.2 How the Delay Effects with(8.4a)and(8.4c) are Different:A Quantitative Analysis 103
8.3.3 A Brief Summary and Discussion 108
8.4 Numerical Examples 108
8.5 Summary 113
Part III Extension
9 Active Compensation for Data Packet Disorder in Networked Control Systems 117
9.1 Data Packet Disorder and Related Work 117
9.1.1 Data Packet Disorder 118
9.1.2 Related Work 119
9.2 Actively Compensating for Data Packet Disorder in NCSs 120
9.3 Modeling and Further Discussion 122
9.3.1 A Unified Model for NCSs 122
9.3.2 Further Discussion:Reduced Communication Constraints 123
9.4 A Numerical Example 124
9.5 Summary 126
10 Error Bounded Sensing for Packet-Based Networked Control Systems 127
10.1 Error Bounded Sensing for PBNCSs 127
10.1.1 Error Bounded Sensing in the Sensor-to-controller Channel 128
10.1.2 Packet-Based Control in the Controller-to-actuator Channel 130
10.1.3 The EBS Strategy for PBNCSs 130
10.2 Stabilization and Further Discussion 132
10.2.1 Stabilization 133
10.2.2 The Effects of the EBS Strategy 135
10.3 Numerical and Experimental Examples 138
10.4 Summary 142
11 Packet-Based Deadband Control for Networked Control Systems 143
11.1 Packet-Based Deadband Control for NCSs 143
11.2 Stability and Stabilization of Packet-Based Deadband Control 146
11.2.1 The Control Laws 146
11.2.2 Stability and Stabilization 148
11.3 Numerical and Experimental Examples 155
11.4 Summary 160
12 Packet-Based Control and Scheduling Co-Design for Networked Control Systems 161
12.1 Problem Statement 161
12.2 Packet-Based Control for Subsystems 162
12.3 Scheduling 164
12.3.1 Static Scheduling 164
12.3.2 Dynamic Feedback Scheduling 167
12.4 Numerical Examples 171
12.5 Summary 174
References 175
Index 183
