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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术工业技术轻工业、手工业功能性纺织技术(英文版)



定 价:¥79.00

作 者: 辛斌杰,陈卓明,刘岩 著
出版社: 东华大学出版社
丛编项: 纺织服装高等教育"十三五"部委级规划教材
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787566912848 出版时间: 2017-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 399 字数:  






Chapter 1 Overview
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Definition of Functional Textiles
1.3 Classification of Functional Textiles
1.4 Classification of Finishing Technology for Functional Textiles
1.5 Scope of Application of Functional Textiles
1.6 Future of Functional Textiles
Chapter 2 Functional Fibers
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Flame Retardant Fibers
2.3 UV-resistant Fibers
2.3.1 Classification
2.3.2 Preparations and Applications
2.4 Hygiene and Medical Fibers
2.4.1 Typical Hygiene and Medical Functional Fibers
2.4.2 Applications of Hygiene and Medical Fibers
2.5 Breathable Fibers
2.6 Conductive Fibers
2.7 Shape Memory Fibers
2.8 Phase Change Fibers
Chapter 3 Functional Yarns
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Characteristics of Functional Yarns
3.2.1 Monofilament Yarn
3.2.2 Multifilament Yarn
3.2.3 Intermingled/Commingled Yarn
3.2.4 Tape Yarn
3.2.5 Staple Yarn
3.3 Conductive Yarns
3.3.1 Intrinsically Conductive Polymer Fiber/Yarn
3.3.2 Polymer Yarns Twisted/Embedded with Metallic Wires
3.3.3 Polymer Yarns with Metallic Coatings
3.4 Shape Memory Yarns
3.4.1 Shape Memory Alloy Yarn
3.4.2 Shape Memory Polymer Yarn
3.5 Antimicrobial Yarns
3.6 Auxetic Yarns
3.7 Anti-static Yarns
3.8 Soluble Yarns
3.9 Biodegradable Yarns
Chapter 4 Advanced Finishing Techniques
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Foam Finishing
4.2.1 Types of Foam
4.2.2 Preparation of Foam
4.2.3 Foam Generation
4.2.4 Foam Characterize
4.2.5 Application Systems of Foam
4.2.6 Practice of Foam Finishing
4.3 Plasma Treatment
4.3.1 Introduction
4.3.2 Classification of Plasma
4.3.3 Textile Treated by Plasma
4.3.4 Summary
4.4 Supercriticai Fluid Technology
4.4.1 Introduction
4.4.2 Application
4.5 Ultrasonic Technology
4.5.1 Introduction
4.5.2 Application
4.5.3 Summary
4.6 Sol-gel Technology for Functional Finishing
4.6.1 Introduction
4.6.2 Application
4.7 UV Treatment
4.7.1 Introduction
4.7.2 UV Treatment on Wool Fabric for Anti-felting Finishing
4.7.3 UV Treatment on Silk and Wool Fabric for Hydrophobic/Hydrophilic Finishing
4.8 Finishing Treatment for Improving Comfort
4.8.1 Thermal Regulation
4.8.2 Moisture Management
4.9 Enzyme
4.9.1 Introduction
4.9.2 Enzyme Classification
4.9.3 Textile Application
Chapter 5 Wearable Smart Textiles
Chapter 6 Nanospinning and Nanowrapping Technologies
Chapter 7 Development of Conductive Polymer Materials
Chapter 8 Development of Graphene Based Textiles
Chapter 9 Sputtering Technology for Textiles
Chapter 10 Development of Functional PSA Nano-composites
Chapter 11 Functionalization of Cellulose Based Materials
