2003年春的中国北京,如同一座恐怖之城、瘟疫之城和面临死亡之城。于是出现了许许多多“奇怪而可笑”的事:在与北京接壤的地方——河北廊坊某地段的公路上,有人竟然用挖土机挖了一个深二十多米、宽三十多米的巨型大坑,说是“为了防止北京城里开过来的汽车”,所有北京方向来的汽车在这个地方只能往回走。有一个村庄,过去一直靠开农家乐而赚足北京城里人的钱的农民们。这会儿他们害怕染上瘟疫的北京城里人跑到他们那儿,所以发动全村力量,三天之内在村庄四周筑起一道高3米、长几公里的围墙,将整个村庄全部包在里面,进出只有两个门口,门口设有岗哨,而且佩戴着菜刀和铁棒,见陌生人闯进来就立即抓了关进小屋隔绝。如果一听说是北京城里来的人,那就不管三七二十一就往外赶…… 本书通过2003年非典肆虐时期作者深入北京各个“抗非”的现场所获取的第一手采访资料以及亲身经历,真实地记录了首都北京在非典爆发时所经历的惊心动魄的一段生死记忆,向人们揭开了“抗非”一线的真实情况。 In the spring of 2003, Beijing found itself staring death in the face in the midst of a terrifying epidemic. A number of strange and surprising stories arose as a result. In the city of Langfang in neighboring Hebei province, people dug a twenty-meter deep, thirty-meter wide pit in the road, saying it was to prevent Beijingers from driving through the area, forcing them to turn around. One village relied on tourism from Beijing to earn money. Terrified by the possibility of contracting disease from fleeing Beijingers, villagers worked to erect a three-meter high fence encircling the village, with only two doorways for entry and exit. The doorways had manned sentry towers, where villagers stood guard with kitchen knifes and iron rods, ready to chase away strangers. When they heard that the people approaching were from Beijing, they drove them off, taking no heed of their protestations... The Battle of Beijing takes author He Jianming's first-hand experience and interviews with people in every aspect of the battle against SARS to create a true account of the horrors of the SARS epidemic.