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The Scholars

The Scholars

定 价:¥88.00

作 者: 吴敬梓
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787508535272 出版时间: 2017-03-01 包装:
开本: 32开 页数: 285 字数:  


  《儒林外史》是清人吴敬梓所著长篇小说,以写实主义描绘各类人士对于"功名富贵"的不同表现,一方面真实揭示人性被腐蚀的过程和原因,从而对当时吏治的腐败、科举的弊端、礼教的虚伪等进行了深刻的批判和嘲讽;一方面热情地歌颂了少数人物以坚持自我的方式所作的对于人性的守护,从而寄寓了作者的理想。该书代表着中国古代讽刺小说的高峰,开创了以小说直接评价现实生活的范例。 TheScholars,authoredbyWuJingzi,createsacapaciousandvividportrayalofthecommunitylifeofthefeudalsocietyandmirrorsvariousfilthyphenomenarampantduringthelaststageoffeudalism.Thebookoffersavividportrayalofthevariousabnormalpersonagesinthevanityfairofpositionandwealthanddelineatestheuglyperformancesofthescholars.Meanwhile,itembodiesthewriter'ssocialidealofrevitalizingancientritesandmusic,rejuvenatingthewaysoftheworldandpublicmoralityandsavingthenationfromperil.ItisrecognizedasoneofthegreatmasterpiecesofChinesesatiricalfiction.


暂缺《The Scholars》作者简介


Tale 1
Painter Wang Mian
Tale 2
Scholar Zhou Jin
Tale 3
Scholar Fan Jin
Tale 4
Family of Yan Dayu
Tale 5
A Lawsuit Between Yan Dayu’s Widow and Her Brother-in-law
Tale 6
Official Xun Mei
Tale 7
Prefect Wang Hui
Tale 8
The Lou Brothers
Tale 9
Qu Xianfu’s Marriage
Tale 10
Mr. Yang Zhizhong
Tale 11
Swordsman Iron-armed Zhang
Tale 12
Editor Ma Chunshang
Tale 13
Ma Chunshang and an Immortal
Tale 14
Gentleman Ma Chunshang
Tale 15
Filial Son Kuang Chaoren
Tale 16
Scholar Kuang Chaoren
Tale 17
Poetical Meeting
Tale 18
Pan Number Three
Tale 19
Poet Niu Buyi
Tale 20
Usurper Niu Pu
Tale 21
Niu Yupu and His Adopted Grandnephew
Tale 22
Niu Pu in Andong
Tale 23
Actor Bao Wenqing
Tale 24
Bao Wenqing’s Adopted Son Bao Tingxi
Tale 25
Ni Tingxi’s Second Marriage
Tale 26
Bao Tingxi’s Elder Brother
Tale 27
Mr. Ji Weixiao
Tale 28
Scholar Du Shenqing
Tale 29
Lover of Handsome Youths
Tale 30
Friends Drinking at Du Shaoqing’s Library
Tale 31
Mr. Du Shaoqing and Mr. Lou
Tale 32
Mr. & Ms Du Shaoqing and Chi Hengshan
Tale 33
Scholars Meet to Speak of Music and Ceremony
Tale 34
Zhuang Shaoguang Declines All Offers
Tale 35
A True Confucian in Changshu
Tale 36
Filial Son Goes to Search for His Father in Sichuan
Tale 37
Guo Tieshan Encounters Tigers in the Mountain
Tale 38
Xiao Yunxian Saves a Man on a Ridge
Tale 39
Xiao Yunxian Enjoys the Snow
Tale 40
Miss Shen Qiongzhi
Tale 41
The Tang Brothers
Tale 42
The Brigade General Tang
Tale 43
The Yu Brothers
Tale 44
Licentiate Yu Youzhong
Tale 45
The People in Wuhe
Tale 46
Licentiate Yoo Liang
Tale 47
Licentiate Wang Yun
Tale 48
An Imposter
Tale 49
The Fourth Mr. Feng
Tale 50
Secretary Wan
Tale 51
Tradesman Chen Zhenggong
Tale 52
Secretary Wan
Tale 53
The Fourth Mr. Chen
Tale 54
Some Outstanding Figures
