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当前位置: 首页出版图书古籍/国学国学著作词汇和语法的描述与教学:基于当代语言学理论的学术研究与教学实践(英文版)



定 价:¥88.00

作 者: (美)刘迪麟
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787544645119 出版时间: 2017-02-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 596 字数:  






Chapter 1 Introduction
Part 1 Describing and Teaching Challenging Lexico-Grammatical Issues
Chapter 2 A Study of the Acquisition of the Article the in
Nongeneric Uses and Its Pedagogical Implications
Chapter 3 Intransitive or Object Deleting?Classifying English
Verbs Used without an Object and Its Pedagogical Research Implications
Chapter 4 Adequate Language Description in L2 Research
Teaching:The Case of Pro-Drop Language Speakers Learning L2 English。
Chapter 5 Corpus——Based Lexico——Grammatical Approach to
Grammar Instruction in EFL and ESL Contexts
Chapter 6 Making Grammar Instruction More Empowering:An Exploratory Case Study of Corpus Use in the Learning Teaching of Grammar
Chapter 7 Combining Cognitive and Corpus Linguistic Approaches
in Language Research and Teaching:Theoretical
Grounding,Practices,and Challenges
Chapter 8 Going beyond Patterns:Involving Corpus-Based
Cognitive Analysis in the Learning of Collocations
Part II Describing and Teaching Di~cult Lexical Usages
Chapter 9 Chinese EFL Learners'Acquisition of Culturally
Loaded Words and Its Pedagogical Implications
Chapter 10 Researching and Understanding Synonymous
Adjectives:A Corpus-Based Behavioral Study of Cnief,Major,Primary,and Main
Chapter 11 Research and Understanding of Synonymous
Adverbs:A Corpus-Based Behavioral Study of
actually,genuinely,really,and truly
Chapter 12 Research and Understanding Synonymous Nouns:
A Corpus and Cognitive Analysis of Two Sets of
Synonymous Nouns
Chapter 13 L2 VSL1 Use of Synonymy:A Combined Corpus and Cognitive Linguistic Study of Synonym Use and Acquisition
Chapter 14 Using Corpora to Help Teach Difficult-to·-Distinguish English Words
Part III Developing Useful Corpus·Based Vocabulary Lists for
Learning and Teaching
Chapter 1 5 A Corpus Study of the Most Frequently Used Spoken American English Idioms and Its Implications for Material Writing and Teaching
Chapter 1 6 A Corpus Study of the Most Useful Linking Adverbials
across Registers and Its Pedagogical Implications
Chapter 1 7 A Corpus Study of the Most Frequently-Used English
Phrasal Verbs and Its Pedagogical Implications
Chapter 1 8 A Corpus Study of the Most Common Multi-Word Units
and Sentence Stems in Academic English
Chapter 19 Conclusion
Collected References
