序 言
第一章 设计之道
Chapter One The Way of Design.
1. 设计之道的种子
1. Seeds in the Way of the Design
2. 设计文化之道
2. The Way of the Design Culture
3. 设计文化美学
3. Cultural Aesthetics in the Way of the Design
第二章 中西设计文化的正义性
Chapter Two The Justice of Design Culture in China and the West
1. 设计文化正义性的共享性
1. Sharing in the Justice of the Design Culture
2. 设计文化正义的包容性
2. Inclusiveness in the Justice of the Design Culture
3. 设计文化正义性中的优先性
3. Priority in the Justice of Design Culture
第三章 中西设计文化的生发力
Chapter Three Generativity in Design Culture of China and the West
1. 感性文化与理性文化
1. Perceptual Culture and Rational Culture
2. 农耕经济和农牧混合经济
2. The Farming Economy and the Farming-Nomadic Economy
3. 儒道释信仰与基督信仰
3. Belief in Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism and Belief in Christianity
第四章 中西艺术设计文化的语言
Chapter Four Design Culture Language of Fine Art in China and the West
1. 中西城市设计文化的语言
1. Language of Urban Design Culture in China and the West
2. 中西建筑设计文化的语言
2. Language of Architectural Design Culture in China & the West
3. 中西器具设计文化语言
3. The Language of Appliance Design Culture in China & the West
4. 中西雕塑设计文化语言
4. The Language of Sculpture Design Culture in China & the West
结束语 中西设计文化美学的呈现
Conclusion The Aesthetic Presentation of Design Culture in China and the West
1. 上层建筑体现出的驾驭力
1. Control Power Presented in Superstructure
2. 设计者的设计途径体现的驾驭力
2. Control Power Presented by the Designer
参考文献/Reference Materials
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