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Glibal Modernization Review:Modernity and Diversity(II)

Glibal Modernization Review:Modernity and Diversity(II)

定 价:¥158.00

作 者: 马蒂内利,何传启 著
出版社: 科学出版社
丛编项: ProceedingsoftheIMF
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787030586261 出版时间: 2018-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 414 字数:  




暂缺《Glibal Modernization Review:Modernity and Diversity(II)》作者简介


Part One Modernization and Diversity in the New Era 1
Modernization and the Sustainable Development Goals: The Case of the European Union 3
Moral Capital: An Important Prerequisite for Social Change and Successful Modernization 26
Global Challenges of Modernization 33
Three Paths Towards National Modernization 46
What’s Modernization in the 21st Century: A Chinese Version 62
Part Two Multiple Modernities and Cultural Diversity 71
Harmonious Coexistence of Tradition and Modernity — Inspirations from the Lasting Survival of the Amish Community in Modern American Society 73
Cultural Diversity and Social Contradictions of the Modernization 77
Culture Trend of Modernization as Reflected in Office Space Design 80
Consolidation, Integration, Modernization: From the Shaping of the Framework “Mitteleuropa” to the European Union 85
Global Modernization Trend in the Perspective of Human History 90
Urban Diversification and Social Diversity 108
Attitudes Toward Modernization and Rural‐Urban Relationship: A Comparison Between Modern China and Japan 115
Three Trends of Chinese Learning and Construction of Multi modernity in China 123
The Contours of Russian Modernization 134
Part Three Dynamics and Paths of Modernization 141
Modernization of Russia: Contemporary Trends 143
How Did Romania Become Modern? A Southeastern European Experience During the 20th Century 150
Specifics and Differentiation of the Balance of Modernization Processesin Russian Regions 161
Progressive Reform: Path of Political Modernization in Britain and Its Inspirations 170
The Guarantee of Progress and Harmony: Modernization and Livelihood Improvement in Modern America 177
International Inequality and the Global Crisis: Managing Markets for Sustainable Growth 184
A New Institutional Economy Growth Theory from the Angle of the Economic Rights 201
A Historical Review of World Industrial Modernization 208
Challenges and Policy Suggestions on China’s Agricultural Modernization 220
Analysis on Diversity and Imbalance of Service ModernIzation :A View Based on the Second Modernization Evaluation 228
Part Four Ecological Modernization and Green Development 239
Staging Pathways Towards Ecomodernity 241
Ecological Modernization and Resilience of Resource Communities 260
Ecological Civilization Construction Demonstration Areas in China from a Three‐dimensional Theoretical Perspective 269
After Paris: Global Trend of Green Development and China’s Ecological Modernization Strategy 284
Establishment of Low‐carbon City Construction Policy Toolkit and Analysis of the Policy Tools’ Effectiveness 295
Rural Ecological Modernization: Evaluation Indicators and Case Study 302
Time to Reinstate Poise of Nature 310
On Promoting the Construction of Ecological Civilization from the Perspective of Ecological Modernization Theory: A Case Study of the Wuhan International Garden Expo 312
Part Five Social Modernization and Human Development 319
Social Modernization and Quality of Life Measurement in Russia 321
A Study on China’s Structural Reform in Social Fields 326
Historical Experience of Modernization in Russia 335
The Deepening of the Division of Labor, Social Structure and the Modernization of National Governance 343
The Youth Entrepreneurship as a Factor of Social Modernization of Society 351
To Explore a Chinese Discourse of Modernity Research Paradigms 358
Part Six Regional Modernization & Reduction of Poverty and Inequalities 365
Socio‐economic Development of Region in the Context of Modernization Processes: A Case Study of St. Petersburg 367
Regional Modernization and Sustainable Development in a Mining Region from the Habsburg Monarchy (Transylvania) in 1750‐1914 376
Evaluation of Regional Modernization of China’s 52 Regions 388
Interactive Mechanism Between Regional Economic Integration and Regional Modernization 400
Appendix 410
