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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术自然科学生物科学生命科学实验室安全与操作规范(英文版)



定 价:¥32.00

作 者: 苏莉,曾小美,王珍 著
出版社: 华中科技大学出版社
丛编项: 全国普通高等院校生物实验教学示范中心“十三五”规划教材
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787568048347 出版时间: 2019-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 130 字数:  


  实验室安全是研究者的身体健康以及教学和科研活动顺利开展的重要保障。 本书采用全英文编写,以生命科学基础实验、综合性自主实验、开放性研究实验以及科学研究活动为对象,以用于基础教学的一级生物安全水平基础实验室为参照,针对实验过程中易发生的安全事故隐患及防范措施进行分类陈述,图文并茂,通俗易懂。本书可作为高等院校相关专业留学生或双语教学的推荐教材,也可供开展实验室工作的科研和管理人员参考。




Chapter 1 Introduction to Basic Safety in Bio-Laboratory 4
1.1 Introduction to biosafety levels and general precautions in bioscience laboratory 4
1.2 Safety guidelines on water usage in bioscience laboratory 6
1.3 Safety guidelines on electricity usage in bioscience laboratory 8
1.4 Safety guidelines on gas usage in bioscience laboratory 10
1.5 Safety guidelines on sound usage in bioscience laboratory 12
1.6 Safety guidelines on light usage in bioscience laboratory 13
Chapter 2 Standard Operations and Safety Precautions of General Apparatus in Bio-Laboratory 16
2.1 Standard operations and safety precautions of autoclave usage.......................................................................................................16
2.2 Standard operations and safety precautions of oven usage 20
2.3 Standard operations and safety precautions of ultra-low temperature freezer 22
2.4 Standard operations and safety precautions of liquid nitrogen container 23
2.5 Standard operations and safety precautions of centrifuge .......................................................................................................24
2.6 Standard operations and safety precautions of biosafety cabinet 28
2.7 Standard operations and safety precautions of clean bench 30
2.8 Standard operations and safety precautions of fume hood ........................................................................................................32
2.9 Standard operations and safety precautions of UV analyzer 33
2.10 Standard operations and safety precautions of laser 35
2.11 Standard operations and safety precautions of laser power meter 37
2.12 Standard operation and safety precaution of biological signal acquisition and analysis system 39
Chapter 3 General Safety Guidelines for Common Biochemical Reagents Usages 42
3.1 Toxic reagents 42
3.2 Chemical unstable reagents 49
3.3 Animal anesthetics 53
Chapter 4 Storage and Handling Guidelines of Experimental Biomaterials 55
4.1 Storage and handling guideline of biomaterials in the life science laboratory 55
4.2 Blood samples of human and animal 61
4.3 Microorganism 63
4.4 Biomacromolecule 64
Chapter 5 Bio-science Safety, Emergency Care and First Aid 66
5.1 Bio-laboratory potential fire accidents 66
5.2 Explosive Accidents 69
5.3 Poisoning and burn accidents 71
5.4 First aid medical box in bio-laboratory 75
References 76
