Since2014,China,drawing upon the experience and practices of countries with maturemarket economy to guidemarke texpectation,has convened the China Agricultural Outlook Conference and released the China Agricultural Outlook Report for three consecutive years;inparticular,the China Agricultural Outlook (20152024)released in the name of the Market Early Warning Expert Committee,Ministry of Agriculture in 2015 has provided important reference for domestic market players and relevant sectors regarding adjusting the expectation of agricultural market.The year 2016 marks the opening of the 13th Five-YearPlan(FYP)period and is also the key stage for supply-side structural reformsin agriculture.The furth erimprovement of the system of China agricultural outlook and there lease of the China Agricultural Outlook(2019-2028)is an important measure to implement arange of important development strate gies and arrangements,including Several Opinions of the Central Committee of CPC and the State Councilon Promoting the Reform of PriceMechanism,Several Opinions of the CPC Central Committeeand the State Councilon the Implementation of New Conceptson the Development and the Acceleration of the Agricultural Modernization for the Realization of Moderate Prosperity in All Respects,Guidance of the State Councilon Advancing the Internet Plus Initiative and Circular of the State Councilon Printing and Issuing the Action Out line for Promoting Big Data Development,and is of crucial importance to review the 12th FYP period and plan for agricultural development in the 13th FYP period.