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深入理解LINUX网络内幕(影印版 英文版 套装上下册)

深入理解LINUX网络内幕(影印版 英文版 套装上下册)

定 价:¥178.00

作 者: [意] 克里斯蒂安·本韦努蒂 著
出版社: 东南大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787564183387 出版时间: 2019-05-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 1035 字数:  


  Linux如此的流行正是得益于它的特性丰富及有效的网络协议栈。如果你曾经惊叹于Linux能够实现如此复杂的工作,或者你只是想通过现实中的例子学习现代网络,《深入理解LINUX网络内幕(影印版 英文版 套装上下册)》将会给你指导。同其他OReilly的流行书籍一样,《深入理解LINUX网络内幕(影印版 英文版 套装上下册)》清楚地阐述了网络的基本概念,并指导你如何用C语言实现。虽然早先的TCP/IP经验是有用的,但初学者通过《深入理解LINUX网络内幕(影印版 英文版 套装上下册)》仍然可以学习到协议本身和大量的应用信息。一旦彻底掌握了这些网络工具,你就可以使用《深入理解LINUX网络内幕(影印版 英文版 套装上下册)》所附的代码,准确地指出Linux内核中重要的部分如何工作。


暂缺《深入理解LINUX网络内幕(影印版 英文版 套装上下册)》作者简介


Part I. General Background
1. Introduction
Basic Terminology
Common Coding Patterns
User-Space Tools
Browsing the Source Code
When a Feature Is Offered as a Patch
2. Critical Data Structures
The Socket Buffer: sk_buff Structure
net_device Structure
Files Mentioned in This Chapter
3. User-Space-to-Kernel Interface
procfs Versus sysctl
Serializing Configuration Changes
Part II. System Initialization
4. Notification Chains
Reasons for Notification Chains
Defining a Chain
Registering with a Chain
Notifying Events on a Chain
Notification Chains for the Networking Subsystems
Tuning via/proc Filesystem
Functions and Variables Featured in This Chapter
Files and Directories Featured in This Chapter
5. Network Device Initialization
System Initialization Overview
Device Registration and Initialization
Basic Goals of NIC Initialization
Interaction Between Devices and Kernel
Initialization Options
Module Options
Initializing the Device Handling Layer: net_dev_init
User-Space Helpers
Virtual Devices
Tuning via/proc Filesystem
Functions and Variables Featured in This Chapter
Files and Directories Featured in This Chapter
6. The PCI Layer and Network Interface Cards
Data Structures Featured in This Chapter
Registering a PCI NIC Device Driver
Power Management and Wake-on-LAN
Example of PCI NIC Driver Registration
The Big Picture
Tuning via/proc Filesystem
Functions and Variables Featured in This Chapter
Files and Directories Featured in This Chapter
Part III Transmission and reception
Part IV Bridging
Part V Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4)
Part VI Neighboring Subsystem
Part VII Routing
