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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科政治世界政治国际反恐合作的中国方案(英)



定 价:¥118.00

作 者: 李伟,范娟荣,杨溪 著,汪淳波 译
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
丛编项: 全球治理的中国方案丛书
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787508534251 出版时间: 2019-05-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 268 字数:  


  “全球治理的中国方案”丛书(中、英文版),全面、深入地向国际社会阐释中国的全球治理观,展现中国作为一个负责任的大国,积极参与全球治理,努力为全球治理贡献中国主张、中国智慧、中国方案,并以踏实稳健的步伐,推动构建合作共赢、公正合理的全球治理体系和治理机制。 中国长期以来坚持从国际社会整体利益出发的反恐出发点、正确的反恐义利观和综合的反恐观。作为负责任的大国,在国际反恐合作中,中国坚持反对一切形式的恐怖主义,坚持反对反恐的“双重标准”,坚持联合国为主导的国际反恐合作机制,坚持将反恐纳入区域性国际组织合作的范围,坚持务实的双边反恐合作,坚持采取综合治理的方式解决产生恐怖主义的根源问题。以发展促安全,以安全保发展,是全面解决恐怖主义问题的必由之路。 Terrorism has plagued modern society with countless issues. Ranging from politics to religion, terrorist organizations have used numerous means to manipulate humanity to the point of death and destruction. In 2017 alone, the world saw more than 20,000 incidences of terrorist attacks. With these atrocities fueling widespread fear amongst civilians and weighing heavier on world leaders, international organizations like the United Nations have been urgently developing counter-terrorism measures. In China and International Anti-terrorism, the authors trace the roots and evolution of different types of terrorism, discuss the achievements and challenges in today’s international anti-terrorism cooperation, and present how China has contributed to the fight against terrorism in terms of national and regional security, economic policies, and multilateral cooperation. This book also shares China’s years of experience in preventing terror attacks by carrying out top-level reforms and launching an “All-out People’s War” against terrorism.


  李伟,1958 年出生,中国现代国际关系研究院院长特别助理,研究员,博士生导师,享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家。研究方向主要为国家安全、国际安全形势、国际恐怖主义与反恐怖斗争等安全领域。主持编撰10 多本相关专业书籍,如《国际恐怖主义与反恐怖斗争》《重大国际恐怖案例分析》《人质解救与特种部队》《国际恐怖主义与反恐怖斗争年鉴(2003-2012)》《“一带一路”沿线国家安全风险评估》等。 Li Wei, special assistant to the president, doctoral supervisor, and researcher with the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR). Li is an expert receiving special government allowance from the State Council of China. His research focuses on national security, international security situation, and international terrorism and anti-terrorism. He is the author of International Terrorism and Anti-terrorism, Analysis of Major International Terrorist Cases, Hostage Rescue and Special Forces, the Yearbook of International Terrorism and Anti-terrorism, and Risk Analysis on Belt-and-Road Countries’ National Security.


Chapter One Development of International Terrorism

1.1 International Terrorism from the Second World War to the End of the Cold War
1.2 International Terrorism from the End of Cold War to the 9/11 Attacks
1.3 The Trend of International Terrorism in the Post 9/11 Era

Chapter Two Current Stages of Anti-terrorism Cooperation

2.1 The UN-Led International Counter-Terrorism Cooperation and Its Subsidiary Bodies
2.2 Regional and Multilateral Counter-Terrorism Cooperation
2.3 Bilateral Counter-Terrorism Cooperation
Chapter Three Challenges to International Counter-Terrorism Cooperation
3.1 Development and Challenges of International Counter-Terrorism Cooperation in Different Eras
3.2 The Crux of International Counter-Terrorism Cooperation
3.3 UN’s Endeavors and Breakthroughs in International Counter-Terrorism Cooperation
Chapter Four China and International Counter-Terrorism Cooperation
4.1 China’s Remarkable Achievements in Domestic Counter-Terrorism
4.2 China’s Endeavor to Enhance International Counter-Terrorism Cooperation
4.3 China’s Proposal on an Effective Strategy for International Counter-Terrorism Cooperation
