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铁道机车车体技术条件 第1部分 内燃机车车体(GB\T25334.1-2010 英文版)

铁道机车车体技术条件 第1部分 内燃机车车体(GB\T25334.1-2010 英文版)

定 价:¥200.00

作 者: 中华人民共和国国家铁路局
出版社: 中国铁道出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787113202019 出版时间: 2015-02-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 7 字数:  


  This standard specifies the technical requirements, inspection, acceptance, transport and storage of diesel locomotive car bodies.This standard is applicable to the design, manufacture and acceptance of newly constructed diesel-electric and diesel-hydraulic locomotive car bodies with the standard gauge of 1 435 mm (hereinafter referred to as car body). For car bodies of other types, this standard can be followed.


暂缺《铁道机车车体技术条件 第1部分 内燃机车车体(GB\T25334.1-2010 英文版)》作者简介


Forewo rd
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Terms and Definitions
4 Technical Requirements
4.1 Environment Requirements
4.2 Basic Requirements
4.3 Material Requirements
4.4 Manufacturing Requirements of Parts and Components
4.5 Assembly Requirements of Load-bearing Body
4.6 Assembly Requirements of Not-Ioad-bearing Body
4.7 Coating Requirements of Car Body Surface
5 Test Methods and Rules
6 Transport and Storage
