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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术工业技术无线电电子学、电信技术全球卫星导航系统原理与应用(英文版)



定 价:¥48.00

作 者: 王潜心,张书毕 等 编
出版社: 中国矿业大学出版社
丛编项: “十三五”江苏省高等学校重点教材
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787564644406 出版时间: 2019-05-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 387 字数:  






1 Introduction to Satellite Navigation System
1.1 Introduction to GPS
1.2 GLONASS System Composition
1.3 BDS System Composition
1.4 GALILEO System Composition
1.5 QZSS System Composition
1.6 IRNSS System Composition
2 GNSS Coordinate and Time Systems
2.1 Celestial Coordinate System
2.2 Terrestrial Coordinate System
2.3 Geocentric Coordinate System
2.4 Local Coordinate System
2.5 Several Common World Coordinate Systems
2.6 Coordinate System Transformations
2.7 Time Reference
2.8 Some of the Long Time Timing Methods Involved in GPS
2.9 Time Synchronization and Timing Service
3 GNSS Satellite Signals
3.1 Carrier Signal
3.2 Ranging Code
3.3 Navigation Message
3.4 Acquisition of Signals
4 GNSS Measurements and Their Linear Combination for Positioning
4.1 GNSS Measurements
4.2 Linear Combination of Measurements
4.3 Quality Analysis of Measurements
5 GNSS Satellite Orbit
5.1 Undisturbed Satellite Orbit
5.2 Perturbed Satellite Orbit
5.3 Satellite Ephemeris and Coordinate Estimation
6 Error Sources of GPS Measurements
6.1 Classification of GNSS Measurement Errors
6.2 Satellite-related Errors
6.3 Errors Related to Signal Propagation Process
6.4 Receiver-related Errors
6.5 Other Errors
7 GPS Observation Equations and Positioning Algorithm
7.1 Pseudorange Measurement Algorithm
7.2 The Algorithm of Carrier Phase Measurement
7.3 Single Point Positioning
7.4 Date Difference
7.5 Relative Positioning
7.6 Differential GNSS
8 Parameter Estimation
8.1 Measurement Model for Least-squares Estimation
8.2 Basic Least-squares Estimation
8.3 Recursive Least-squares Algorithm
9 Cycle Slip Detection and Ambiguity Resolution
9.1 Cycle Slip Detection
9.2 Ambiguity Resolution
