作者倾注了十数年时光,寻觅拍摄石窟造像,足迹遍布大江南北,用影像记录华夏大地上几乎所有的古代佛窟。镜头所触及的,不仅是珍贵的国宝佛窟,还有自古生活在佛窟周围的芸芸众生。岁月留痕,众生的情感、生活与庄严、神秘的佛像似乎都融合在一起,超脱尘世的佛、菩萨也成为了百姓日常生活中的一部分。 The author spent more than ten years, looking for and photographing grottoes, footprints all over China, recording almost all the ancient buddhist grottoes in China with images. The camera shoots not only the buddhist grottoes, which are precious national treasures, but also the people living around the grottoes since ancient times. With the passing of time, the feelings and lives of all living beings seem to merge with the solemn and mysterious Buddha statues.