Flight 1Yearning and Grief 5Wheelchair-bound Xali 9The Decision 14Remote Control 27Other People’s Mugs 32Among Friends 41Among Kin 57Nostalgic for Lao Zei 66Heart and Mug of a Rogue 73Trip to the Mountains 78Riverside Whispers 88Time’s Ramparts 92One’s True Face 99Hometown, the Heart’s Resting Place 102The Real Eysa Returns Home 108Bidding Farewell to the Past 116Seductive Mutton - Fat Jade 123Rechristening a High-rise 135Remembering Caesar 138Boozing It Up in “Little Taiwan” 140Hidden Faces 145Piss Like a Man 150Doctor and Patient 168An Iconic Mother 175Death Marks a New Beginning 182Prayers 198KMT Niyaz 206The Good Doc Travels to Xinjiang 213Lumber Haji 232Another Disappearance 252In the Kunlun Mountains 258The Wedding 268Forgiveness 277Time’s Eternal Chant 281