定 价:¥18.00
作 者: | (英)约翰·济慈 |
出版社: | 外语教学与研究出版社 |
丛编项: | |
标 签: | 暂缺 |
ISBN: | 9787513590075 | 出版时间: | 2017-07-01 | 包装: | |
开本: | 64开 | 页数: | 295 | 字数: |
秋颂 To Autumn
咏大海 On the Sea
致艾尔萨巨岩 To Ailsa Rock
无题(我一见彩虹高悬天上) [Untitled] (My heart leaps up when I behold)
麻雀窝 The Sparrow's Nest
远见 Foresight
无题(她住在达夫河源头近旁) [Untitled] (She dwelt among the untrodden ways)
绿山雀 The Green Linnet
诗人和笼中斑鸠 The Poet and the Caged Turtledove
致杜鹃 To the Cuckoo
无题(三年里晴晴雨雨,她长大) [Untitled] (Three years she grew in sun and shower)
水仙 The Daffodils
苏珊的梦幻 The Reverie of Poor Susan
阳春三月作 Written in March
鹿跳泉 Hart-leap Well
廷腾寺 Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey, on Revisiting the Banks of the Wye during a Tour
咏乔治?博蒙特爵士所作风景画一帧 Upon the Sight of a Beautiful Picture
致睡眠 To Sleep
无题(好一个美丽的傍晚,安怡,自在) [Untitled] (It is a beauteous evening, calm and free)
无题(怀着沉静的忧思,我久久凝望) [Untitled] (I watch, and long have watched, with calm regret)
无题(不必唱爱情,战争,内乱的风涛) [Untitled] (Not Love, not War, nor the tumultuous swell)
1815年9月 September, 1815
无题(月亮呵!你无声无息,默默登天) [Untitled] (With how sad steps, O Moon, thou climb’st the sky)
无题(好比苍龙的巨眼,因睡意沉沉) [Untitled] (Even as a dragon’s eye that feels the stress)
威斯敏斯特桥上 Composed upon Westminster Bridge
孤独割麦女 The Solitary Reaper
未访的雅鲁河 Yarrow Unvisited
已访的雅鲁河 Yarrow Visited
无题(不羡慕拉丁姆幽林,它浓阴如盖) [Untitled] (Not envying Latian shades—if yet they throw)
踏脚石 The Stepping-stones
无题(阿尔法秀丽的教堂,游客看来) [Untitled] (The Kirk of Ulpha to the pilgrim’s eye)
转折 The Tables Turned
早春命笔 Lines Written in Early Spring
小白屈菜 The Small Celandine