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定 价:¥88.00

作 者: 暂缺
出版社: 上海交通大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787313177247 出版时间: 2017-08-01 包装:
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  《你好,中文》系列立体化教材是针对在华生活的零起点成年外国人编写的任务型口语教材。根据《国际汉语教学通用课程大纲》,应用第二语言习得和教学研究的*理论,从语言技能、语言知识、文化意识和学习策略四个维度编写,可供大学语言教学部门、培训机构等单位作为长、短期综合教材使用。 《你好,中文》初级共分两册,总计30篇课文,每篇课文基本按3-4课时的容量设计,共覆盖30个常用生活情境、50个常用语法点、500个左右的识字量和800个左右的词汇量,学完两册的学习者能达到相当于新HSK3级的水平。Welcome to the Hello Chinese Series. Following a task-based approach, these course books are specially designed for the short-term, beginning learners of mandarin Chinese. Hello Chinese has two volumes including 30 lessons in total and each lesson requires 3-4 hours learning time. The whole series covers 30 real life situations, 50 most common language points, 500 Chinese characters and about 1000 new words. By completing the two books, you will reach the proficiency of HSK level 3.




第十六课 你也喜欢跑步吗
Lesson 16 Do you like jogging,too
第十七课 你学得怎么样
Lesson 17 How well do you leam
第十八课 肉夹馍比汉堡包好吃
Lesson 18 “Roujiamo”tastes better than hamburgers
第十九课 你是跟谁一起去的
Lesson 19 Who did you go with
第二十课 马克去面试
Lesson 20 Mark goes for an interview
第二十一课 网上购物
Lesson 21 Shopping online
第二十二课 那套房子怎么样
Lesson 22 How is that apartment
第二十三课 他们剪得好吗
Lesson 23 Can they cut it well
第二十四课 你的才能会被我们欣赏
Lesson 24 Your talent will be appreciated by US
第二十五课 李佳下周就过生日了
Lesson 25 It will be Li Jia’s birthday next week
第二十六课 请下来拿快递
Lesson 26 Please come down and pick up your parcel
第二十七课 我买回来一些粽子
Lesson 27 I bought some traditional Chinese rice puddings
第二十八课 想不出来她长什么样
Lesson 28 I cannot imagine what she looks like
第二十九课 我也希望举办一场中式婚礼
Lesson 29 I would like to have a Chinese wedding,too
第三十课 我要去美国做汉语老师了
Lesson 30 I will go to America to be a Chinese teacher
附录一 词汇表
附录二 补充词汇表
Supplementary Words
附录三 汉字总表
List of Characters
附录四 句型、注释及对应语言点汇总
Summary of Language Points
附录五 听力文本
Listening Script
