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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科文化中国文化人文中国书系:中国音乐(英)



定 价:¥90.00

作 者: 靳婕, 王丽
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
标 签: 文化 中国文化


ISBN: 9787508537610 出版时间: 2017-10-01 包装: 平装-胶订
开本: 16开 页数: 字数:  


  “人文中国书系”共30个分册,书系旨在通过介绍中国传统文化中一些有代表性的领域或专题,展现中国文化的总体面貌。书系的作者均为相关领域的专家学者,他们广博的历史文化知识以及深入浅出的叙述方法,使读者可以通过轻松愉悦的阅读,领略丰富多彩、博大精深的中国文化。该系列丛书设计精美,内容丰富,出版以来受到国外读者欢迎,版权输出到多个国家,并被收入“剑桥文库”。 中国音乐历史悠久、民族特色鲜明,是数千年来中国各族人民共同创造的文明结晶。它以独特的历史背景、形态特征、传承方式、文化底蕴,在世界音乐殿堂中绽放异彩。本书图文并茂地介绍了中国音乐的历史发展脉络,体裁分类形式,音乐风格特征,以及代表人物、代表作品、风格流派等方面的基本内容,深入浅出、雅俗共赏。 With a long history and brilliant ethnic features, Chinese music is an important part of Chinese culture. Its historic background, various categories, inheritable mode, and cultural connotation distinguish it on the world music stage. This book introduces the development process, different formats, genres & characteristics, representative musician and works of Chinese music for both academic and popular readers.




The Evolution of Chinese Music
Ancient Times
The Xia, Shang and Western Zhou Dynasties
The Spring and Autumn Period & the Warring States
The Qin and Han Dynasties
The Period of the Three Kingdoms, the Western and
Eastern Jin Dynasties and the Southern and Northern
The Sui and Tang Dynasties
The Song and Yuan Dynasties
The Ming and Qing Dynasties
After 1840
The Connotation of Ancient Music of China
Propriety and Music in Confucianism
The Dao (natural way) of Heaven
The Inwardness of Zen
Varieties of Chinese National Musical
A Large Musical Instrument System
Varieties of Unique Local Music
Chinese Folk Songs
Haozi Generated together with Labor
Free and Lyrical Mountain Songs
Beautiful and Melodious Ditty
Singing and Dancing of Ethnic Groups
Muqarn of the Uygur Minority
Tibetan Folk Songs and Dances
Mongolian Folk Songs
Dong's Ka Lau
Miao's Folk Songs and Musical Instruments
Quyi Music of China
Singing Tunes with Storytelling
Singing while Walking
Chinese Music of the Time
Emergence of New Music Culture
Improvement of Chinese Instrumental Music
The Birth of New Opera
From Mass Songs to Pop Songs Creation
New Music in New Age
The Sino-foreign Exchange of Music
Starting with the Pitch Pipe
The Spread of Chinese Music
Appendix: Chronological Table of the Chinese
