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《十二月令》2020年台历:跟着乾隆一起玩耍十二月 (汉英对照)

《十二月令》2020年台历:跟着乾隆一起玩耍十二月  (汉英对照)

定 价:¥58.00

作 者: 有期 著
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787508543024 出版时间: 2019-10-01 包装: 精装
开本: 32开 页数: 字数:  


  正月邀人赏灯, 二月踏春赏花; 三月曲水流觞; 四月执伞赏雨…… 四时原来可以这样玩 就像《十二月令》 饱含对自然与生活的认识以清院本稀世之作——《十二月令》图 画的是生活原本该有的样子 搭配应时应景之古诗词 附之以许渊冲先生的经典译作 一月一景 一月一诗 道法自然之原则 顺应生活之本源 诚现《十二月令》双语台历 People are invited to appreciate the lanterns in the first month, Spring outing in February; April rain with umbrella... Four seasons can play like this originally Like " Twelve Months in Ancient Paintings." Full of understanding of nature and lifeTo the qing dynasty this rare work - "December order" map It's a picture of life as it should be Match the ancient poems in the right time Attached is the classic translation by Mr. Xu yuanchong One view per month One poem a month The principles of nature Go with the flow of life Make the bilingual desk calendar of Twelve Months in Ancient Paintings


  “有期”是五洲传播出版社旗下图书创意品牌,以用创新的形式、新颖的内容传播中国传统文化为宗旨,将传统文化与生活美学相结合,致力于设计、策划内容美、形式美的图书产品。 Xu yuanchong has been engaged in literary translation for more than 60 years. His works cover Chinese, English, French and other languages. His translation focuses on the translation of ancient Chinese poems into English and forms the methods and theories for translating poems into rhyme style. He has published 60 books in Chinese, English and French at home and abroad, and won the "northern lights" outstanding literary translation award, one of the highest awards in the international translation field. He is the first Asian translator to win this award.


暂缺《《十二月令》2020年台历:跟着乾隆一起玩耍十二月 (汉英对照)》目录
