Preface Ⅱ
Preface Ⅲ
Information on the Principality of Liechtenstein with a General Focus on Law Restriction, the Situation of Foreign Capital,Cross-Border Investment, Roger Frick (The Principality of Liechtenstein)
Cross-Border Investment and Management of the Art Asset, Allison Liu (The Republic of Singapore)
The “Belt and Road”: Cross-Border Investment, Emile Kanaan (The Republic of Lebanon)
Financial Services Regulation, Technology and Research and Development Tax Incentives, James Oury (The United Kingdom)
The “Belt and Road”: Cross-Border Investment in the UK, Jeremy Kleinfeld(The United Kingdom)
Direct and Indirect Entry Barriers for Foreign Direct Investment in Italy,Hermes Pazzaglini (The Republic of Italy)
Recent Investment Opportunities in Turkey, Ahmad Alkusayer (The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
Foreign Direct Investment and Real Estate in Korea, Kum Sil Kang (The Republic of Korea)
Mergers and Acquisitions by Chinese Companies in Australia, Daniel Hanbing SHEN,Laura QIAO,Adrian FUNG (The Commonwealth of Australia)
End of the Liquidity Cycle and Rise of Volatility, Rehan Chaudhri (The United States of America)
Heading the Tail-International Taxation Does Really Matter for Chinese Cross-Border Investment and Trade, Madeleine Zhang (The Peoples Republic of China)
Key Tax Updates on Investment in China,Flame Zheng (The Peoples Republic of China)
To Scale the Highest Peak,to Achieve the Greatest Aim—Inspiration from the Swiss experience,Lu Chi (The Swiss Conferation)
Recent Regulatory Developments on Investments in the US—What Chinese Investors Need to Know? Wan Li (The Peoples Republic of China)
Cross-Border Investment as the Source of Cross-Border Civil and Criminal Liability under US Laws:Lessons Learned from Recent ZTE and Huawei Experiences, Timothy B.Mills (The United States of America)
The Open Canada: the Attainment of Economic Integration and Mobility Rights, Jia YU (Canada)
A Practical Guide for Chinese Companies Going Public in the US, Jie Chengying Xiu (The United States of America)
Analysis of Foreign Investment Policy and Law Based on the “Belt and Road” Initiative, Chen Wen (The Peoples Republic of China)