定 价:¥89.80
作 者: | 约翰,兰甘,佐伊,奥尔布赖特 |
出版社: | 世界图书出版公司 |
丛编项: | |
标 签: | 暂缺 |
ISBN: | 9787519241360 | 出版时间: | 2017-12-01 | 包装: | |
开本: | 16开 | 页数: | 字数: |
PART 1 Fundamentals of Effective Writing
1. An Introduction to Writing
2. The Four Bases and the Writing Process
3. The First and Second Steps in Writing
4. The Third Step in Writing
5. The Fourth Step in Writing
6. Four Bases for Revising Writing
7. Writing in the Digital Age
PART 2 Paragraph Development
8. Exemplification
9. Process
10. Cause and/or Effect
11. Comparison and/or Contrast
12. Definition
13. Division-Classification
14. Description
15. Narration
16. Argument
Part 3 Essay Development
17. Writing the Essay
Part 4 Handbook of Sentence Skills
Section I Grammar
18. Subjects and Verbs
19. Sentence Sense
20. Fragments
21. Run-Ons
22. Regular and Irregular Verbs
23. Standard English Verbs
24. Subject-Verb Agreement
25. Pronoun Agreement and Reference
26. Pronoun Types
27. Adjectives and Adverbs
28. Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers
Section II Mechanics
29. Paper Format
30. Capital Letters
31. Numbers and Abbreviations
Section III Punctuation
32. Apostrophe
33. Quotation Marks
34. Commas
35. Other Punctuation Marks
Section IV Word Use
36. Using the Dictionary
37. Improving Spelling
38. Vocabulary Development
39. Commonly Confused Words
40. Effective Word Choice
Section V Practice
41. Editing Tests
Part 5 Reading for Writers
Introduction to the Readings
Goals and Values
Education and Self-improvement
Human Groups and Society