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铁路隧道监控量测技术规程(Q\CR9218-2015 英文版)

铁路隧道监控量测技术规程(Q\CR9218-2015 英文版)

定 价:¥250.00

作 者: 中国铁路总公司
出版社: 中国铁道出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787113228491 出版时间: 2017-01-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 276 字数:  


  《铁路隧道监控量测技术规程(Q\\CR9218-2015 英文版)》内容包括:1.0.1 This Specification is formulated with a view to standarding the measurement work in the design and construction of railway tunnels and making the construction monitoring meet the requirements of safety,applicability,being advanced in technology,economy and rationality.1.0.2 This Specification is applicable to railway tunnels constructed by mining method.1. 0. 3Monitoring shall be contained in the tunnel design and the cost of morutoring shall be included in the budget.1.0.4 As a key procedure,monitoring shall be included in the site construction organization.For railway tunnels that may affect the surrounding buildings,third-party morutoring shall be carried out.1.0.5 Besides this Specification,the monitoring of railway tunnels shall also conform to relevant current national standards,professional standards and standards of CHINA RAILWAY.


暂缺《铁路隧道监控量测技术规程(Q\CR9218-2015 英文版)》作者简介


1 General Provisions
2 Terms
3 Basic Requirements
4 TechnicalRequirements
4.1 GeneralRequirements
4.2 Monitoringltems
4.3 Arrangement Principle of Monitoring Cross-sections and Monitoring Points
4.4 Measurement Frequency
4.5 Control Criteria of Monitoring
4.6 Technical Requirements for Monitoring System and Instruments
5 Monitoring Methods
5.1 GeneralRequirements
5.2 Observation Inside and Outside Tunnel
5.3 DeformationMonitoring
5.4 Stress and Strain Monitoring
5.5 Contact Pressure Measurement
5 6 Blasting Vibration Monitoring ....N
5.7 Monitoring of Pressure and Volume of Pore-water
6 Data Analysis and Information Feedback
6.1 GeneralRequirements
6.2 Analysis and Processing of Monitoring Data
6.3 Monitoring Information Feedback and Engineering Countermeasures
7 Achievement Data
Appendix A Record Table of Geological Condition of Excavation Face
Appendix B Record Table of Tunnel Convergence
Appendix C Record Table of Crown Settlement
Words Used for Different Degrees of Strictness
