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甲午战前钓鱼列屿归属考(增订版 英语版)

甲午战前钓鱼列屿归属考(增订版 英语版)

定 价:¥89.00

作 者: Wu Tianying
出版社: 华语教学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787513812375 出版时间: 2016-01-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 337 字数:  


  Professor Wu Tianying and I have remained close friends for more than 40 years. Thanks to his great trust, I was given the honor of reading through his excellent book titled Textual Research on the Territory Sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands Prior to the First Sino-Japanese War and A Public Response to Toshio Okuhara and Other Japanese Professors, which he put in his heart and soul. It is not a grandiose academic publication, but it is nevertheless an influential work that hasn't been seen in years. By showcasing the integrity of the Chinese nation and traditional Chinese scholarly spirit, this book will surely be of great significance for future generations.As the saying goes, \


暂缺《甲午战前钓鱼列屿归属考(增订版 英语版)》作者简介


Foreword by Mr.LaiXinxia
Second Foreword
I Introduction
1 An episode in the negotiation of the Treaty ofShimonoseki
2 The discovery ofa second \
