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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语读物国家的儿子(英文版)



定 价:¥70.00

作 者: 黄传会
出版社: 中译出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787500155249 出版时间: 2018-02-01 包装:
开本: 16 页数: 290 字数:  


  2012年11月23日,“辽宁舰”成功完成舰载机歼-15起降训练,为了这一天,中华民族等了近百年。然而,就在举国上下欢庆胜利之时,沈阳飞机工业有限公司董事长、歼-15舰载机研制现场总指挥罗阳却突发心肌梗死,因公殉职,英年五十一岁。 该书作者历时四个月,深入罗阳学习和工作过的每个地方,访问了七十多个与罗阳有关的人物,以报告文学的方式,用真实感人的细节,艺术地再现了罗阳奉献给中国航空事业的悲壮人生。 This was no ordinary flight when the J-15 fighter jet took off and landed on the Liaoning aircraft carrier’s flight deck, carrying with it the dream of a powerful national military by the Chinese people for nearly a century. Luo Yang, designer of China’s new J-15 fighter, died at the age of 51 by cardiac arrest that took place immediately after the successful flight landing mission aboard the carrier Liaoning. Huang Chuanhui, spending four months delving deep into every aspect of Luo Yang’s studies and work, and masterfully evokes Luo Yang’s magnificent life, offered up to the development of China’s aviation industry.


  黄传会同志是中国报告文学会常务副会长,曾任海军政治部创作室主任,著名的报告文学家,曾出版了《托起明天的太阳——希望工程纪实》,海军三部曲之《潜航》,《希望工程纪实》《中国山村教师》《我的课桌在哪里——农民工子女教育调查》《龙旗——清末北洋海军纪实》《逆海——*海军纪实》《雄风——中国人民海军纪实》《为了那渴望的目光——希望工程20年纪实》《铁军将才——抗日名将朱程》等等。其作品曾获庄重文文学奖、《当代》文学奖、第五届"五个一工程"优秀作品奖。作品《三个太阳》被收录进七年级下册语文书中。 Huang Chuanhui, a National First-Class Writer, is a winner of the Zhuang Chongwen Literary Award and the author of I Want to Go to School and Chinese Navy. He lives in Beijing.



Introduction 5

CHAPTER 1 The Last Moments

CHAPTER 2 Preparing for the Journey

CHAPTER 3 The Sky is Full of Stars

CHAPTER 4 Steadfast

CHAPTER 5 The \u001FStory of the Seven Wolves

CHAPTER 6 Taking Office

CHAPTER 7 All for the Aircraft Carrier

CHAPTER 8 \u001FThe Lifeline

CHAPTER 9 The Essential Quality

CHAPTER 10 The Spirit of the Hero is Forever on the Horizon

Postscript Collecting a Spirit

