徐剑,云南昆明人,第二炮兵政治部文艺创作室主任,国家一级作家,乘文学的双翼,飞翔于中国战略导弹部队的万里天疆和西藏的天边天蓝,著有《岁月之河》、《大国长剑》、《鸟瞰地球》、《水患中国》、《江南草药王》、《砺剑灞上》、《导弹旅长》、《麦克马洪线》(待出)等作。 Xu Jian is the author of several fictional works, among them Oriental Hada, as well as essays and TV drama. He has also penned a number of works of reportage, including McMahon Line and The Oriental Express. Swords of a Rising Power won the first Lu Xun Literature Prize in 1998.