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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语读物大国长剑(英文版)



定 价:¥80.00

作 者: 徐剑
出版社: 中译出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787500155188 出版时间: 2018-02-01 包装:
开本: 16 页数: 391 字数:  


  1966年7月1日,第二炮兵正式成立,它的名字由周恩来总理亲自命名,后来被世人称作中国战略导弹部队。1984年国庆大阅兵时,第二炮兵为整个世界所震惊,然而一支强大的军队背后必然有千万个无私奉献的幕后英雄。许多官兵家属舍弃城里的工作,跟随丈夫上高原、进戈壁、钻山沟,一住就是一辈子…… 本书作者带我们走进那段峥嵘岁月,全景式地展示中国战略导弹部队初创时期,第一代导弹人在接近原始的状态下的山坳里, 献身导弹事业的战斗历程。讲述导弹部队背后那些鲜为人知的感人事迹,呼吁世界珍爱和平! On July 1, 1966, the second Artillery corps of the PLA was formally established.In 1984, during the National Day military parade, the Chinese strategic missile forces made their debut in Tiananmen Square. Swords of A Rising Power describes the unsung heroes behind this effort — the selfless dedication of those who gave their lives and struggled behind the scenes. Xu Jian provides a panoramic display of China's strategic missile forces from their earliest beginnings through to their later years, in a work that surveys the history of China from1966 to the present day.


  徐剑,云南昆明人,第二炮兵政治部文艺创作室主任,国家一级作家,乘文学的双翼,飞翔于中国战略导弹部队的万里天疆和西藏的天边天蓝,著有《岁月之河》、《大国长剑》、《鸟瞰地球》、《水患中国》、《江南草药王》、《砺剑灞上》、《导弹旅长》、《麦克马洪线》(待出)等作。 Xu Jian is the author of several fictional works, among them Oriental Hada, as well as essays and TV drama. He has also penned a number of works of reportage, including McMahon Line and The Oriental Express. Swords of a Rising Power won the first Lu Xun Literature Prize in 1998.



CHAPTER 1 The Spirit of a Great Country 7

CHAPTER 2 The Time in Changxindian 41

CHAPTER 3 The First Battalion of Asia 73

CHAPTER 4 The Rise of the Missile Troop 117

CHAPTER 5 The Offering Blood Sacri\u001D ce to the Forests 157

CHAPTER 6 Walking out of the Mountains 185

CHAPTER 7 Mysterious Stories of the Mysterious Troops 213

CHAPTER 8 If My Sword Is Not Long Enough 257

CHAPTER 9 Our People, Our Land 300

CHAPTER 10 The  Quivers of the East 332

CHAPTER 11 The Weight of Balance in the World 357

CHAPTER 12 Saying Goodbye to Nuclear Winter 386

