《最后的土司》故事发生在兵荒马乱年代的长江三峡边的一个土家山寨。伍娘是一个哑女,但聪颖过人舞技绝世;无意中撞进山寨的外乡人李安因偷吃土家祭祀的供品受到重罚;土司覃尧看似罚他却是救他,并许诺将伍娘许与李安。伍娘出嫁前夜按照祖先赋予的初夜权,将自己奉献给了神。土司覃尧作为神的化身得到了伍娘但与此同时才发现自己原本深爱着这个女子,从此陷入深深的痛苦。李安不能接受山寨的习俗,将对伍娘的喜爱化成了厌恶和仇恨,不断给纯洁无辜的伍娘以伤害,土司覃尧却因信义而只能默默地忍受煎熬无法相助,火焰一般的爱恨情仇之间,美丽的伍娘以她的生命完成了最后的舞蹈。李安逃离山寨,覃尧在长江边堵住了他,命运将指向何方?结局给读者留下了无尽遐想。The Last Tusi tells a story of a Tujia village in the Three Gorges wracked by war. Wu Niang, a mute girl gifted with exceptional intelligence, accidentally encounters Li An, an outsider arrested and punished by the Tujia. The chief of the Tujia people, Qin Yao, promises to marry Wu Niang to Li An. However, the night before Wu Niang becomes his bride, she makes a decision that will change their lives forever.