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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语读物湖光山色(英文)



定 价:¥72.00

作 者: 周大新
出版社: 中译出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787500151487 出版时间: 2017-06-01 包装:
开本: 32开 页数: 398 字数:  


  《湖光山色》通过楚暖暖和旷开田从贫穷到富裕的经历讲述了一个关于人类欲望的寓言。小说以曾进城打工的乡村女青年楚暖暖为主人公,讲述了她回到家乡楚王庄之后不断开拓进取、进而带领全村创业的故事。暖暖是一个“公主”式的乡村姑娘,她几乎是楚王庄所有男青年的共同梦想。村主任詹石磴的弟弟詹石梯自认为暖暖非他莫属,但暖暖却以决绝的方式嫁给了贫穷的青年旷开田,并因此与横行乡里的村主任詹石磴结下仇怨。从此,这个见过世面、性格倔强、心气甚高的女性,开始了她漫长艰辛的人生道路......小说结构严密,充满悲情和暖意,作家以他对中国乡村生活的独特理解,既书写了当代中国乡村表层生活的巨大变迁和当代气息,同时也发现了当代乡村中国深层结构的坚固和蜕变的艰难。The fateful story begins with Nuannuan, the youthful villager called home from the city to care for her mother. Upon her return, Nuannuan forges ahead with plans to invigorate the rural village with new enterprises and business. As the sublime image of a woman in the eyes of the village men, village chief Zhan Shideng plans to marry Nuannuan to his younger brother, however, her refusal and subsequent elopement with the desperately poor young man Kuang Kaitian brings on the full wrath of the rampant chief. Worldly, resilient and spirited, Nuannuan must contend with those that transpire around her as she marches on to the beat of her own drum.A tragic tale not without warmth, the author provides unique perspectives on rural life in China, at once scratching into the surface layers of the monumental changes brought by modernity, and then taking us deep into the core structure of a village governed by stiff tradition and the ardours of change.


  周大新,中国当代作家。1979年开始发表作品,至今已发表小说600余万字。曾获茅盾文学奖、全国优秀短篇小说奖、冯牧文学奖等。小说《香魂塘畔的香油坊》改编的电影《香魂女》获1993年度柏林国际电影节大奖——“金熊奖”。作品被译为英文、法文、韩文出版。Zhou Daxin was born in 1952 in Dengzhou, Henan. Since first publishing in 1979 he has won the National Excellent Short Story Prize, the Feng Mu Prize and the Mao Dun Literature Prize. Many of his works have been adapted into plays, television series, movies and radio plays. Some works have been translated into English, French, German, Japanese, Czech and Korean. He currently lives and writes in Beijing. His works include the novels Out of the Basin, Twentieth Act, Legends of War, and Warning. The novella Sesame Oil Mill On The Banks was filmed as Les Femmes du lac aux ames parfumées and won the 43rd Berlin Film Festival Golden Bear Award.


