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作 者: Jean Delisle,Judith Woodsworth
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787513599511 出版时间: 2018-05-01 包装:
开本: 小16开1开 页数: 452 字数:  




  让·德利尔(Jean Delisle):加拿大渥太华大学荣休教授,加拿大皇家学会会士,加拿大翻译学协会荣誉会员,2000年至2006年期间担任渥太华大学翻译学院院长。研究方向主要为翻译史和术语学,著述被翻译为阿拉伯语、汉语、朝鲜语、西班牙语、意大利语、德语等十六种语言。朱迪斯·伍兹沃斯(Judith Woodsworth):加拿大康考迪亚大学法语系翻译学教授,加拿大翻译学协会创会会长及荣誉会员,2008年至2010年期间担任康考迪亚大学校长。研究方向主要为翻译理论、翻译史、文学翻译和法语文学,在加拿大翻译学界享有很高声誉。


导言 vii
Foreword to the second edition xix
Preface xxviii
Introduction xxxiv
CHAPTER I Translators and the invention of alphabets 3
Ulfila, evangelist to the Goths 4
Mesrop Mashtots and the flowering of Armenian culture 6
Cyril and Methodius among the Slavs 10
James Evans and the Cree of Canada 14
CHAPTER II Translators and the development of national languages 24
A language for England 25
The emancipation of French 37
Martin Luther: artisan of the German language 45
The flowering of the Swedish language 51
The evolution of the Gbaya language in Cameroon 54
Hebrew: a modern language for Israel 59
CHAPTER III Translators and the emergence of national literatures 71
Joost van den Vondel and the Dutch Golden Age 74
Translating Shakespeare to/on the European Continent 80
Changing sides: the case of Ireland 85
Speaking intimately to the Scottish soul – in translation 90
Jorge Luis Borges and the birth of Argentine literature 95
Translation and cultural exchange in African literatures 99
CHAPTER IV Translators and the dissemination of knowledge 112
China: importing knowledge through translation 115
India: at the crossroads of translation 120
Baghdad: centre of Arabic translation 125
Medieval Spain: cultural exchange and rebirth 130
The Nordic countries: breaking down the barriers of isolation 135
Machine translation: machines as translators? 140
CHAPTER V Translators and the reins of power 151
The Balfour Declaration: \
