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定 价:¥39.80

作 者: 青闰
出版社: 台海出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787516818817 出版时间: 2018-09-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 344 字数:  






第一卷 幸福像阳光一样

The Direction of Happiness/幸福的方向 ……………………………………… 2

The Uncared-for Happiness/被忽略的快乐 …………………………………… 3

The Catalogue of Happiness/人生幸福的目录 ………………………………… 4

Don’t Keep Happiness away from Us/别让幸福远离我们 …………………… 5

The Secret of Happiness/幸福的秘密 …………………………………………… 7

The Law of Happy Life/幸福生活的定律 ……………………………………… 9

The Ways of Happiness/幸福的方式 ………………………………………… 10

The Door to Happiness/幸福之门 …………………………………………… 12

Happiness Doesn’t Need a List/幸福不需要列单子 ………………………… 14

Happiness Lights Your Life/幸福点亮人生 ………………………………… 15

Where Is Happiness/幸福在哪里 …………………………………………… 18

I Choose to Be Cheerful/我选择快乐 ………………………………………… 20

The Mystery of Happiness/幸福的奥秘 ……………………………………… 21

The Power of a Smile/微笑的力量 …………………………………………… 23

第二卷 快乐是一首自由的歌

What Does Happiness Come from/幸福来自什么 …………………………… 26

Happiness Is a Flow of Air/快乐是一种流动的空气 ………………………… 27

The Source of Happiness/幸福之源 ………………………………………… 28

The Light of a Smile/微笑的光芒 …………………………………………… 29

The Essence of Happiness/幸福的本质 ……………………………………… 30

He Who Can Be Moved Will Be Happy/人能感动,就能幸福 ……………… 31

Happiness of Saying Thanks/感谢的快乐 …………………………………… 33

Keeping Pleasant/保持快乐 …………………………………………………… 34

Happiness Is like the Sunshine/幸福像阳光一样 …………………………… 35

Pleasure Is a Freedom Song/快乐是一首自由的歌 ………………………… 37

World of Smiles/微笑的世界 ………………………………………………… 39

The Value of Smile/微笑的价值 ……………………………………………… 40

Smile at Strangers/对陌生人微笑 …………………………………………… 44

Where the Sun Always Rises/太阳总在那里升起 …………………………… 45

Keep Walking in Sunshine/常常走在阳光里 ………………………………… 47

Sunshine on a Rainy Day/雨天的阳光 ……………………………………… 49

第三卷 让心灵充满阳光

The Gold Watch in the Barn/谷仓里的金表 ………………………………… 52

A Definite Goal/明确的目标 ………………………………………………… 53

Do One Thing Every Day/每天做好一件事 ………………………………… 54

Another Secret to Success/成功的另一个秘诀 ……………………………… 55

I Can Make It Happen/我能做到 ……………………………………………… 56

The Danger of Success/成功的危险 ………………………………………… 57

Will Inspired Life/意志激励人生 …………………………………………… 58

A Creed to Live by/人生的信条 ……………………………………………… 60

The Secret of Becoming Rich/致富的秘诀 …………………………………… 61

Life Lies in Believing in Yourself/人生在于相信自己 ……………………… 62

Life Lies in Choosing/人生在于选择 ………………………………………… 63

第四卷 春天在你的心里

The Love of a Hunchback/驼背的爱情 ……………………………………… 68

View in the Heart/心中有景 ………………………………………………… 69

The Old Man Who Planted Oak Trees/种橡树的老人 ……………………… 70

The Pavilion in the Heart/心中的亭子 ……………………………………… 71

Spring Is Coming and I Cannot See It/春天就要来了,我却无法看到 …… 73

The Oasis in the Heart/心里的绿洲 …………………………………………… 74

Spring Is Always Within/春天总在心里 ……………………………………… 75

Courage/勇气 ………………………………………………………………… 78

Gifts from the Heart/来自内心的礼物 ……………………………………… 79

The Precious Stone Within/内心的宝石 ……………………………………… 80

The Real Meaning of Peace/宁静的真谛 …………………………………… 81

I Have a Dream/我有一个梦想 ……………………………………………… 82

The Gold in the Orchard/果园里的金子 …………………………………… 84

Four Seasons of a Tree/树的四季 …………………………………………… 85

The Upwind Fragrance/逆风飘香 …………………………………………… 86

The Moon Still Shines/月光依然照耀 ……………………………………… 88

Looking for the Gold/寻找金子 ……………………………………………… 90

Do You Have a Lighthouse in Your Heart/你心中有灯塔吗 ………………… 91

第五卷 放飞心灵的翅膀

The Flowers That Can Speak/会说话的花儿 ………………………………… 94

The Flowers on the Ruins/废墟上的花朵 …………………………………… 95

A Boy and Flowers/男孩与鲜花 ……………………………………………… 96

The Flower Never Minds/花儿不会介意 …………………………………… 97

The Rose Root/玫瑰花根 ……………………………………………………… 97

Flowers and Hope/鲜花与希望 ……………………………………………… 99

A Young Flower in the Desert/沙漠里的一朵小花 …………………………… 99

The Rose Within/心中的玫瑰 ………………………………………………… 100

Your Mind is a Garden/心是花园 …………………………………………… 101

The Praise That Changed the Life/改变一生的赞美 ………………………… 103

The Power of the Violin/小提琴的力量 ……………………………………… 105

The Miracle of the Spring/春天的奇迹 ……………………………………… 107

Bright Heart/明亮的心 ……………………………………………………… 110

The Reason of Einstein’s Success/爱因斯坦成功的原因 …………………… 112

If You Can See It,You Can Be It/你能看到,就能做到 …………………… 114

Dig Three Feet Deeper/再挖三英尺 ………………………………………… 115

第六卷 予人玫瑰,手留余香

We All Can Become Angels/我们都能成为天使 …………………………… 118

The Boy and the Huge Rock/男孩和巨石 …………………………………… 120

A Coin Can Also Make You Succeed/一枚硬币也能成功 …………………… 121

A Real One Who Panned the Gold/真正的淘金人 …………………………… 122

The Seeds of Hope/希望的种子 ……………………………………………… 124

The Secret of Success/成功的秘密 …………………………………………… 126

Reaching the Summit/攀登峰顶 ……………………………………………… 126

A Bag of Seeds/一袋种子 …………………………………………………… 128

The Sound of Waterfalls/瀑布的声音 ………………………………………… 128

Christmas Morning/圣诞节的早晨 …………………………………………… 129

The Boy and a Drop of Dew/男孩与露珠 …………………………………… 133

The Mystery of Success/成功的奥秘 ………………………………………… 133

The Mountain Doesn’t Come and I’ll Go to It/山不过来,我就过去 ……… 134

Open Your Mind/敞开心扉 …………………………………………………… 135

Play It Again,Dad/再弹一次,爸爸 ………………………………………… 137

The Spring Will Come/春天一定会来 ……………………………………… 140

The Discovery at the Bend/拐弯处的发现 …………………………………… 140

Acres of Diamonds/钻石宝地 ………………………………………………… 142

The Golden Window/金色窗户 ……………………………………………… 143

Two Acorns/两个橡果 ………………………………………………………… 144

Pinkie Victory Over Big Iron Hammer/以小搏大的成功之道 ……………… 145

Move Back Is Also a Success/退一步也是成功 ……………………………… 146

The Strength of Success/成功的力量 ………………………………………… 147

Confidence Is the Key of Success/自信是成功的钥匙 ……………………… 148

第七卷 从梦想之火到最后胜利

Dream to Fly/飞翔之梦 ……………………………………………………… 152

Become What You Wants to Be/实现自己的梦想 …………………………… 154

Deal with Obstacles Now/现在就克服障碍 ………………………………… 156

A Music Lesson/一堂音乐课 ………………………………………………… 156

A Car Accident Brought Success/车祸带来的成功 ………………………… 158

A Simple Idea from a Billionaire/亿万富翁的简单想法 …………………… 160

The Greatest Hitter/最伟大的击球手 ………………………………………… 162

A Ten-cent Idea/10美分的主意 ……………………………………………… 163

Serious Business/真正的生意 ………………………………………………… 164

Keep Your Goals away from the Trolls/让钓饵远离你的目标 ……………… 167

The Four-Dollar Servant/身价4美元的仆人 ………………………………… 168

Success or Failure/成功或失败 ……………………………………………… 171

A True Champion/真正的冠军 ……………………………………………… 172

A Mirror in the Coffin/棺材里的一面镜子 …………………………………… 174

Visualize Your Goal/想象你的目标 ………………………………………… 175

Kind Act Repaid in Full/善行全还 …………………………………………… 176

Success Breeds Success/成功孕育成功 ……………………………………… 178

Obstacles Don’t Have to Stop You/没有过不去的坎儿 ……………………… 180

The Three Masters/三位大师 ………………………………………………… 182

A Speech by the CEO of Apple/苹果公司总裁的一次演讲 ………………… 184

Be Patient/凡事要忍耐 ……………………………………………………… 186

Performance Check/自我检测 ………………………………………………… 187

第八卷 让生活充满阳光

Live in “Day-tight Compartments”/活在“完全独立的今天” ………… 190

One Grain of Sand at a Time/一次只流过一粒沙子 ………………………… 192

Every Day Is a New Life/每天都是一个新生命 …………………………… 194

Life Is in the Living/生命就在生活里 ……………………………………… 196

A Magic Formula for Solving Worry Situations/消除忧虑的魔法公式 ……… 198

Face the Facts! Quit Worrying/面对现实,不要忧虑 ……………………… 202

Analyzing Worry and Meeting It head-on/分析并敢于正视忧虑 …………… 204

Analyze the Problem and Overcome Anxiety/分析问题,克服忧虑 ………… 209

How to Crowd Worry out of Your Mind/消除思想上的忧虑 ………………… 211

Don’t Let the Beetles Get You Down/不要为小事而垂头丧气 ……………… 214

Cast away Foolish Worry/摒弃愚蠢的忧虑 ………………………………… 216

Cooperate with the Inevitable/接受不可避免的事实 ………………………… 219

Put A “Stop-Loss” Order on Your Worries/让忧虑“到此为止” ………… 222

Eight Words That Can Transform Your Life/8个字可以改变你的生活 ……… 226

Just for Today/只为今天 ……………………………………………………… 231

Count Your Blessings,not Your Troubles/想想你得到的恩惠,不要理会

 你的烦恼……………………………………………………………………… 233

Find Yourself and Be Yourself/保持自我本色 ……………………………… 235

Do A Good Deed Every Day/每天做一件好事 ……………………………… 237

No One Ever Kicks a Dead Dog/没有人会踢一只死狗 ……………………… 240

Spend Your Days/珍惜每一天 ………………………………………………… 241

The First Day/第一天 ………………………………………………………… 245

The Second Day /第二天 ……………………………………………………… 249

The Third Day /第三天 ……………………………………………………… 254

第九卷 克服忧虑的快乐生活

Six Major Troubles Hit Me All at Once/困扰我的6大烦恼 ………………… 260

I Can Turn Myself into a Shouting /做一个乐观的人 ……………………… 263

How I Got Rid of an Inferiority Complex/克服自卑心理 …………………… 264

Five Methods I Use to Banish Worry/驱逐烦恼的5个方法 ………………… 269

I Stood Yesterday.I Can Stand Today/既然昨天已经度过,今天也不会

 难熬…………………………………………………………………………… 272

I Did Not Expect to Live to See the Dawn/我以为活不到明天 ……………… 274

I Go to the Gym to Punch the Bag or Take a Hike Outdoors/锻炼可以消除

 忧虑…………………………………………………………………………… 276

I Was“the Worrying Wreckfrom Virginia Tech”/我曾是“烦恼大王” …… 277

I Hit Bottom and Survived/我做过最苦的工作 ……………………………… 279

I Used to Be One of the World’s Biggest Jackasses/我曾是世界上最大的

 笨蛋…………………………………………………………………………… 281

I Have Always Tried to Keep My Line of Supplies Open/我的补给线永远

 畅通…………………………………………………………………………… 283

When the Sheriff Came in My Front Door/当我突然一无所有时 …………… 287

The Toughest Opponent I Ever Fought Was Worry/我最大的对手是忧虑 … 290

I Prayed to God to Keep Me out of an Orphan’s Home/摆脱烦恼的秘诀 …… 292

I Was Acting like a Hysterical Woman/我曾像个疯女人 …………………… 294

I Learned to Stop Worrying by Watching My Wife Wash Dishes/不要把烦恼

 叠加在一起…………………………………………………………………… 298

I Found the Answer—Keep Busy! /我找到了答案 …………………………… 300

Time Solves a Lot of Things/时间可以解决许多问题 ……………………… 302

I Was Warned Not to Try to Speak or to Move Even a Finger/逃脱死亡 …… 305

I Am a Great Dismisser/消除忧虑的良方 …………………………………… 306

