定 价:¥24.00
作 者: | (新西兰)凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德 |
出版社: | 上海外语教育出版社 |
丛编项: | |
标 签: | 暂缺 |
ISBN: | 9787544654562 | 出版时间: | 2018-09-01 | 包装: | |
开本: | 页数: | 字数: |
The Woman at the Store (1912)
How Pearl Button Was Kidnapped (1912)
The Wind Blows (1915)
Prelude (1917)
A Dill Pickle (1917)
Bliss (1918)
Psychology (1919)
Revelations (1920)
Miss Brill (1920)
The Daughters of the Late Colonel (1920)
Life of Ma Parker (1920)
Her First Ball (1921)
Marriage a la Mode (1921)
At the Bay (1921)
The Garden Party (1921)
The Doll's House (1922)
A Cup of Tea (1922)
The Fly (1922)