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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语读物我的心灵藏书馆:雪莱诗选



定 价:¥25.80

作 者: (英)珀西·比希·雪莱
出版社: 中国宇航出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787515915258 出版时间: 2018-10-01 包装:
开本: 页数: 字数:  







1 To Ireland

3 Stanzas. —April, 1814

5 Mutability

7 Mutability

9 On Death

11 A Summer Evening Churchyard—Lechlade, Gloucestershire

14 To Wordsworth

16 Hymn to Intellectual Beauty

21 Ozymandias

23 Mighty Eagle

24 To William Shelley

27 On Fanny Godwin

28 Lines

29 To the Nile

31 The Past

32 On a Faded Violet

34 Invocation to Misery

38 Passage of the Apennines

39 Sonnet

41 Song to the Men of England

44 A New National Anthem

47 England in 1819

49 An Ode

52 Ode to Heaven—Chorus of Spirits

56 To Sophia

58 Ode to the West Wind

64 The Indian Serenade

66 Love’s Philosophy

67 The Cloud

72 To a Skylark

78 Ode to Liberty

95 Song of Prosperine—While Gathering Flowers on the Plain of Enna.

96 Hymn of Apollo

99 Autumn: A Dirge

101 To World’s Wanderers

102 Time Long Past

103 Dirge for the Year

105 Song

108 Political Greatness

110 The Aziola

112 A Lament

113 Remembrance

115 Music

117 To Night

120 Lines: “When the Lamp Is Shattered”

122 Lines: “We Meet Not as We Parted”

124 The Isle

125 To Jane: The Recollection

130 To a Lady, with a Guitar

135 Time

136 To the Moon

137 Liberty

139 The Tower of Famine

141 To—

142 To-morrow

143 The Devil’s Walk

145 On Leaving London for Wales

148 To Jane: The Invitation

152 Feelings of a Republican on the Fall of Bonaparte

154 Lines Written During the Castlereagh Administration

156 Lines to a Reviewer

158 Adonais
