本书讲述*次世界大战期间,中国派出14万华工到西线为英、法军队服务,为协约国取得大战的胜利作出了重要贡献。主要内容:1.*次世界大战与中国;2.“以工代兵”战略的出笼和法国招工团;3.英国招工团;4.华工数字问题;5.华工在法国的生活;6.华工对*次世界大战的贡献;7.华工与中国寻求新的国家认同和国际化。After years of study, Professor Xu Guoqi wrote his book.It introduces the life and work situation of 140,000 Chinese laborerswho went to France during the First World War to present full and accurate historical data on their contribution to the war effort. It also probes the impact brought about by their presence in France from the perspective of the exchanges between oriental and western civilizations.