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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科文化中国文化中国京剧(英)



定 价:¥160.00

作 者: 徐城北 著
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
丛编项: 中华之美丛书
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787508540191 出版时间: 2018-08-01 包装: 精装
开本: 16开 页数: 152 字数:  


  “中华之美”丛书围绕中华优秀传统文化这一主题,择取其中15个专题分别加以介绍。这15个专题,包括以思想、智慧、艺术为主的“无形遗产”,以工艺、器物为主的“有形遗产”,以衣食住行乐为主的“民俗生活”,它们精心构架,有机结合,勾勒出中国文化的一个总体面貌,并反映出“中华文化的理念、智慧、气度、神韵”。 京剧并非北京土生土长的戏曲,而是由中国南方入京的徽班艺人和汉调艺人相互借鉴,并吸收了当时流行于北京多个剧种的优长而形成的新剧种,迄今已有200多年的历史。京剧植根于东方文化这块丰厚的土壤,与西方戏剧有着根本的差异。看到京剧的现代人,难免会对京剧产生某种距离感,听不懂也看不懂。但假如了解了京剧的艺术特点和文化内涵,就会发觉一切是那么地有兴味。本书深入浅出地讲述了京剧产生、发展的过程及其深厚的民间文化背景,介绍著名的京剧表演艺术家和他们的生活,其中的梨园逸事、掌故和著名剧目的故事构成了此书的诸多亮点。 Seeing a Peking Opera performance for the first time, a foreigner would wonder: why are faces of actors painted red, white, black, yellow or green? Are they masks? But masks are separate from the face. Facial make-ups in Peking Opera are different from masks. Intrigued, many foreign tourists would go backstage to see actors and actresses remove stage makeup and costume. Next time, they would go there before a performance starts to see how performers do their makeup. Luciano Pararotti, the great tenor of international fame, once had a Peking Opera actor paint on his face the makeup of Xiang Yu, a valiant ancient warrior portrayed in numerous Peking Opera plays.


  徐城北,中国艺术研究院研究员、中国作家协会会员、中国电视艺术委员会戏曲委员会委员,曾获第一届京剧“文华奖”。已出版《京剧与中国文化》、《老北京》三部曲、《梅兰芳》三部曲、《花雨纷披老字号》等著作60余种。 Xu Chengbei, researcher in Chinese Art Academy, Member of Chinese Writer’s Association. The peking opera play Wu Zetian that he wrote for the well-know contemporary opera actress Li Shji won the 1st Wen Hua Award. Profound research in the field of Peking Opera Culture and Beijing city culture. He has published more than 60 works including: Peking Opera and Chinese Culture, Old Beijing Trilogy, Mei Lanfang Trilogy, Old Well-known Brands.


The Birth and Evolution of Peking Opera
Anhui Troupes Moved into Beijing
The Art of Listening, Old-Style Theaters
Old Beijing in Peking Opera’s Heyday
Theatrical Companies and Old-Style Opera Schools
Theaters, Temple Fairs and Tanghui
The Stage, Props and Orchestra
A Table and Two Chairs
Wen Wu Chang
Performing Art
Four Roles of Sheng, Dan, Jing and Chou
Singing, Dancing and Acting Skills
“Realms” of Acting
Performers and Performing Schools
Nan Dan, or Men Playing Female Roles
Generations of Famous Actors
Mei Lanfang, Famous Dan Impersonator
Classic Plays
Modern Peking Operas
Conventions of Peking Opera
It is Not Easy to Appreciate Peking Opera
Peking Opera in the Contemporary Era
