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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科文化中国文化中国书法(英)



定 价:¥160.00

作 者: 陈廷祐
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
丛编项: 中华之美丛书
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787508540214 出版时间: 2018-08-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 148 字数:  


  “中华之美”丛书围绕中华优秀传统文化这一主题,择取其中15个专题分别加以介绍。这15个专题,包括以思想、智慧、艺术为主的“无形遗产”,以工艺、器物为主的“有形遗产”,以衣食住行乐为主的“民俗生活”,它们精心构架,有机结合,勾勒出中国文化的一个总体面貌,并反映出“中华文化的理念、智慧、气度、神韵”。 书法是中国的国粹之一。中国书法何以风行于中华大地数千年,历百代而不衰,甚至超过了记事传言的基本功用,在用于日常书写之外,上升为一个世界上罕见的独立的艺术种类?它在发展过程中与中国人的审美情趣、价值取向乃至文化精神形成了怎样的水乳交融的关系?我们又应当怎样步入这纯由黑白两色构成而又奥妙无穷的艺术世界?本书从汉字的起源开始,深入浅出地介绍中国书法的源流、形成和发展,论述了书法的艺术范式和鉴赏法则。作者在本书中着重推介中国书法晋、唐、宋、清四个重要历史时期的代表书法家王羲之、王献之、褚遂良、颜真卿、苏轼、黄庭坚、米芾、康有为等,认为他们所倡导和实践的变革对中国书法不断攀上艺术高峰居功至伟。 Calligraphy is the quintessence of Chinese culture. When the ancient Orientals carved the earliest abstract symbols on the walls of their cave houses, and on animal bones and tortoise shells, their symbolic action marked the beginning of the Chinese written language and civilization. At the same time, it indicated the beginning of the splendor of Chinese calligraphy. Why has Chinese calligraphy been able to survive several thousand years? How could it become a rare art independent of its functions for writing and recording events? What kind of close relations has it developed with the aesthetic standards, value concepts and cultural spirit of the Chinese people? How can we enter into this mysterious black-andwhite world?




Chinese Characters
Unique Chinese Characters
Oracle Bone Inscriptions and Inscriptions on Bronze Objects
Official Script and Later Scripts
Four Treasures of the Study
Beauty of Calligraphy
Beauty of the Strokes
Beauty of Composition
Beauty of Integration
Creativity of Calligraphy Art
Diligent Practice
Conveying the Emotion of the Calligrapher
Expressing Talents of the Calligrapher
Emotion, Bacchus and Running Style
Calligraphy and Chinese Culture
Calligraphy Masters
Father and Son: Leaders of the Time
Masters of the Tang Dynasty
Three Masters Focusing on Temperament and Taste
Modern Reforms
Renascence of Calligraphy
The Splendor of Calligraphy Today
Chinese Calligraphy Spreads Worldwide
