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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语读物直面媒体二十年:赵启正答中外记者问(英文版)



定 价:¥188.00

作 者: 赵启正
出版社: 新世界出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787510466021 出版时间: 2018-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 388 字数:  




  Zhao Qizheng(赵启正) was born in Beijing in 1940. He graduated in 1963 from the University of Science and Technology of Chinar majoring in experimental nuclear physics. He was then engaged in scientific research until 1984. He had served as Vice Mayor of Shanghai, Director-General of the Management Committee of Shanghai Pudong New Area, Minister of the State Council Information Office of China, Member of the Standing Committee and Chairman of.the Foreign Affairs Committee of the CPPCC National Committee, and Spokesman of the National Committee annual sessions. He is now Dean of the School of Journalism and Communication, Renmin University of China.


If the Earth Were Flat, We Might See Japan
(Interview with NHK at the Oriental Pearl Radio and TV Tower Shanghai on March 21, 1995)
I Believe We Will Complete Pudong’s Development Within 50 Years
(Interview with CNBC Asia anchor Lorraine Hahn in Shanghai on April 20, 1996)
Shanghai Is a Good Place to Observe the Chinese Economy
(Group interview with resident foreign correspondents in Shanghai on July 17, 1996)
Your Understanding of Sino-U.S. Relations Is Unbiased
(Q&A with a delegation of the Overseas Press Club of America to Shanghai on September 27, 1996)
The Bund Represents the Past, While Pudong Represents the Future
(Interview with Time Magazine Beijing Bureau Chief Jaime FlorCruz in Shanghai on November 19, 1996)
I Feel Happy to See Any Progress in Sino-Japanese Relations
(Dialogue with vice president of Yomiuri Shimbun, Hirohisa Kato, in Shanghai on November 19, 1996)
Shanghai Will Join Hands With Hong Kong to Advance Like Brothers
(Dialogue with U.S. media delegation in Shanghai on October 25, 1997)
Strengthening Contact Is of Great Benefit to Sino-U.S. Relations
(Dialogue with U.S. media group in Shanghai on January 12, 1998)
Let the World Know the Real Conditions in China
(Dialogue with AFP President Eric Guily in Beijing on July 22, 1999)
Friendship Between Peoples Is Very Important
(Press conference jointly held with U.S. Ambassador to China Joseph Prueher in Beijing on August 17, 2000)
Chinese Know More About the United States Than Americans Know About China
(Q&A session after a speech at the National Press Club in Washington on August 30, 2000)
U.S. Media Coverage of China Is Often Inaccurate
(Interview with the San Francisco Chronicle in Beijing on September 14, 2000)
Those in Higher Position Are More Discreet
(Dialogue with Japanese resident correspondents in China in Beijing on November 2, 2000)
Protecting IPR Serves the Interests of Both Foreign Countries and China
(Dialogue with Pierre Veya , editor-in-chief of L’Agefi of Switzerland, in Bern on September 8, 2001)
The Understanding of Culture Is the Most Important Foundation
(Q&A at the Berlin Asia-Pacific Week press conference on September 14, 2001)
Cooperation Between Strategic Partners
(Dialogue with Gerald Levin, CEO of AOL Time Warner Inc., in Beijing on February 22, 2002)
Chinese People Have Been Fighting for Democracy for Over 100 Years
(Dialogue with news delegation from Switzerland in Beijing on March 29, 2002)
Media Must Serve As a Voltage Stabilizer in Sino-Japanese Relations
(Q&A at China-Japan media seminar in Tokyo on May 13, 2002)
Japan and Japanese in the Eyes of Chinese
(Interview with Japanese TV anchorman Souichiro Tahara in Tokyo on October 13, 2002 and in Beijing on June 27, 2006)
Beijing Is a Place Producing News of World Influence
(Dialogue with Robert Robinovitch, president and CEO of the Canadian Broadcasting Corp., in Beijing on November 5, 2002)
China’s Social System Has Irreplaceable Superiority
(Dialogue with delegation of Japanese media commentators in Beijing on November 22, 2002)
People in St. Petersburg Have a Great Understanding of Art
(Interviews respectively with Russia TV and Izvestia Daily in St. Petersburg on August 19, 2003)
Let the Media Bridge the Friendship Between China and Russia
(Speech and Q&A at Interfax in Moscow on August 22, 2003)
We Should Respect the Beliefs of Others
(Dialogue with Abdollah Naseri, president of the Islamic Republic News Agency of Iran, in Beijing on September 12, 2003)
Developments in Sino-Japanese Relations Are Worrisome
(Dialogue with Sankei Shimbun chief commentator Nagayoshi Sumita in Beijing on October 24, 2003)Germans Admire Philosophy, and So Do Chinese
(Dialogue with Uwe Heuser, chief economic and business editor of german weekly Die Zeit, in Beijing on October 29, 2003)
You Will Fully Understand the Chinese Economy Only Through Comprehensive Observation
(Dialogue with South China Morning Post finance reporter Yee Ning Chan in Beijing on April 19, 2004)
We Share the Same Views on the Cooperation in the Internet and Publishing
(Dialogue with the publisher of the Financial Times Asia, John Ridding, in Beijing on September 7, 2004)
We Must Not Forget History
(Dialogue with a delegation of major Japanese media in Beijing on November 22, 2004)
Spokesperson Hotlines
(Interview on talk show People in the News in Beijing on January 10, 2005)
Looking Back on 15 Years of Pudong
(Interview with China Business News in Beijing on April 18, 2005)
Presenting China to the World
(Interview with Elizabeth H. Yang of U.S. magazine Leaders in Beijing on July 15, 2005 )
A Newspaper Can Influence 1 Million Readers
(Dialogue with Al-Ahram Editor-in-Chief Osama Saraya in Cairo on Aug ust 8, 2005)
China Has Entered an Era of Public Diplomacy
(Interview with Nanfang Metropolis Daily in Beijing on September 21, 2007)
It Is Pleasant to Talk About Culture With the French
(Interview with AFP correspondent Fran?ois Bougon in Beijing on October 26, 2007)
Foreigners Are Often Most Concerned About Challenging Questions
(Interview with Oriental Outlook in Shanghai on March 14, 2008)
I Appreciate Being Called a Layman
(Interview with The Beijing News in Beijing on September 17, 2009)
A Smart Horse Does Return to Graze Old Pastures
(Q&A at the Press Conference of the Third Session of the CPPCC National Committee in Beijing on March 2, 2010)
Time Is Money and Integrity Is Life
(Q&A at the press conference of the Fourth Session of the 11th CPPCC National Committee in Beijing on March 2, 2011)
Sensitive Questions Are in Greater Need of Answers
(Dialogue with experts from The New York Times in New York on June 2, 2011)
China Does Not Hide Its Problems
(Speech at the Los Angeles World Affairs Council, followed by a Q&A session on June 8, 2011)
The Reform of China's Political Structure Is a Great Cause
(Q&A with overseas media in Beijing on February 24, 2012)
Journalists Should Ask Good and Targeted Questions
(Q&A at the press conference of the Fifth Session of the 1 lth CPPCC National Committee in Beijing on March 2, 2012)
Behind Press Conferences
(interview with Belting Times in Beijing on March 7, 2012)
I Prepare for Press Conferences As Hard As I Worked for the College Entrance
(Interview on Phoenix TV with Anthony Yuen in Beijing on March 8, 2012)
How Should China and Japan Share the Same Boat on Rough Seas?
(Interview with The Asahi Shimbun Editor-in-Chief Yoshibumi Wakamiya in Tokyo on July 3, 2012)
China Staunchly Supports Denuclearization on the Peninsula
(Interview with Yonhap News Agency in Seoul on July 5, 2012)
I Present China to the World
(Dialogue on CCTV lecture show Voice in Beijing on September 7, 2012)
Welcome Aboard the China Train
(Interview with Xinhua News Agency in Beijing on June 13, 2013)
The Chinese Dream Is not a Selfish Dream(Interview with Jiefang Daily in Shanghai on June 27, 2013)
China-Mongolia Cooperation Should Be an All-Round One
(Q&A with the media in Ulan Bator on December 24, 2013 )
Chinese People Should Express Their Traditional Image of "He"
(Interview with the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism in Beijing on Aprit 23,2014)
Corporate Public Diplomacy
(Dialogue on Guizhou TV talk show Forum in Guiyang on July 28, 2014)
