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定 价:¥29.80

作 者: 潘震
出版社: 中国矿业大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787564643485 出版时间: 2019-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 137 字数:  


  《大学英语阅读教程(2)》由15个单元组成,每个单元分为三个部分。根据大学英语四六级阅读新题型的特点,每个单元设计了选词填空,段落信息匹配和深度阅读三种题型。题型难度介于大学英语四级与六级之间,是向大学英语六级阅读水平的过渡。《大学英语阅读教程(2)》是逐步提升普通高校非英语专业本科生英语阅读能力不可多得的教材。《大学英语阅读教程(2)》内容新颖,知识涉及面广。语料主要选自英语国家新闻和报刊机构的专业报道。在契合学生的实际英语水平的基础上,大限度地保留了语料的原汁原味和地道用法。题材主要包括经济、健康、科技、教育、法律、食品安全、农业、心理学、体育以及求职面试技巧和智能化办公等生活和工作的方方面面。话题既生动活泼,又极具知识性和趣味性。让学生在兴趣的驱动下真正地爱上阅读,享受获取知识和提升英语技能的乐趣,从而达到提高英语阅读能力的目标。《大学英语阅读教程(2)》的题型设计完全遵从大学英语四六级考试的题型要求,实用性极强。Section A为选词填空题,从15个选项中选择10个符合文章上下文的词语完成填空,空缺词语一般为名词、动词、形容词和副词,文章长度约为250~350词。Section B为段意匹配题,文章长度为800~1000词,文后配以10个段落大意题,学生通过把握每段的段落大意找出与之相匹配的段落。Section C设计了两篇350~450词的短篇,让学生进行深度阅读,每篇配以5个含有4个选项的题目。三个部分题型设计由易到难,循序渐进。




Unit 1
Section A
"I've Lost Billions of Dollars since Becoming President," Trump Says
Section B
Protect Your Privacy When Job-hunting Online
Section C
Balance Between Stress and Relaxation
Gaps of Education
Unit 2
Section A
Section B
How to Make Peace with Your Workload.9
Section C
Sexual Discrimination
Adolescent Smoking
Unit 3
Section A
The Greatest Magician(魔术师)
Section B
Media Selection for Advertisements
Section C
Different Ways of Getting Knowledge
Web in the Future
Unit 4
Section A
Computer Crimes
Section B
Universities Branch Out(展)
Section C
School Bullying
Unit 5
Section A
Section B
Focus on Global Warming
Section C
What Happened to Service?
Unit 6
Section A
Development of Sports
Section B
Caring for Elderly Parents Catches Many Unprepared
Section C
Are Humans Definitely Causing Global Warming?
The Goals of Future Agriculture and Its Way Out
Unit 7
Section A
Section B
Happy, with a 20 Percent Chance of Sadness
Section C
Roles of Men and Women?
How Long Should Adult Children Live with Their Parents?
Unit 8
Section A
When Is Good Time to Have a Baby?
Section B
Preparing for Computer Disasters
Section C
Why Do We Laugh?
Examination Is Not an Effective Way to Assess a Person's True Abilities
Unit 9
Section A
The Facts
Section B
How to Cure Chronic Loneliness?
Section C
Absent-minded Actions
New York Taxi Drivers
Unit 10
Section A
Nothing to Sell and Nothing to Buy
Section B
Ten Mispronounced U.S. Place Names
Section C
An Engineering Student
Rubbish Recycling in the United States
Unit 11
Section A
The First Calender
Section B
Unemployment Is Not All Bad
Section C
Teaching the Dog to Redirect Its Normal Behavior
The Game of Competition and Wisdom
Unit 12
Section A
Keeping a Secret Is Hard
Section B
The Mother of Modern Dance
Section C
Status of Working Women in Marriage
Human Nature
Unit 13
Section A
Does Black Cat Mean Bad Luck?
Section B
She Made Important Discoveries about Genes
Section C
Computer Technology in Medicine
Is New Tecnology Beneficial to Developing Countries?
Unit 14
Section A
Humans Are Getting Bigger and Older
Section B
Why I Became a Teacher. to Pass on My Love of Literature
Section C
Uniforms in the United States
Take Vitamins Reasonably
Unit 15
Section A
Deception Brings Benefits to Children's Cognition
Section B
Grassroots Remedy
Section C
Don't Hurry Your Children
Using the Head May Keep You Stay Young
