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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语读物中国改革开放关键词(英文版)



定 价:¥108.00

作 者: 暂缺
出版社: 外文出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787119116877 出版时间: 2018-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 207 字数:  






Publisher’s Note
Chapter One A Grand Historical Transition PioneeringChinese Socialism
1.The Third Plenary Session of the 1 l th CPC Central Committee
2.Bringing Order out of Chaos
3.The Four Cardinal Principles
4.The Household Contract Responsibility System
5.Special Economic Zones
6.FamiPlanning Policy
7.“One Country,Two Systems”
8.“Wading Across the River by Feeling for the Stones”and Top—Level Design
9.The 12th National Congress ofthe CPC
10.Constitution ofthe PRC(1982 version)
11.Socialist Culture
12.Military Personnel Strength Reduced by One Million
13.The 1 3th National Congress of the CPC
14.The Primary Stage of Socialism
15.The Basic Line in the Primary Stage of Socialism
16.The“Three Steps”Strategic Goals
17.Economic Regulation
18.Developing and Opening Up Pudong
19.Deng Xiaoping’s South Tour Speeches
Chapter Two New Stage of Reform and Opening Up /Steering Chinese Socialism into the 21 st Century
20.The 14th National Congress ofthe CPC
2 1.The Socialist Market Economy
22.A Great New Party Development Project
23.Invigorating China Through Science and Education
24.The Initiative for Sustainable Development
25.The 1 5th National Congress of the CPC
26.Deng Xiaoping Theory
27.The Basic Economic System of Socialism
28.The Spirit of the Fight Against the Floods
29.The Initiative for Coordinated Regional Developmem
30.Shanghai Cooperation Organisation
3 1.China’s Accession tn the WTO
Chapter Three A Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects I Advancing Chinese Socialism
32.The 1 6th National Congress of the CPC
33.The Important Thought of‘Three Represents’
34.The Period of Important Strategic Opportunities
3 5.Building a Harmonious Socialist Society
36.The Strategy on Developing a Quality Workforce
37.Spirit of Manned Spaceflight
38.The 17th National Congress ofthe CPC
39.The Scientific Outlook on Development
40.The System of Community—Level Self-Govemance
41.Spirit ofEarthquake Relief
42.The Beijing Olympic Games
43.Expo 2010 Shanghai China
Chapter Four The Decisive Stage of Building a Moderately prosberous Society,The Great Victory of Chinese Socialism in a New Era
44.The 1 8th National Congress of the CPC
45.The Path of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
46.The Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristies
47.The Socialist System with Chinese Characteristics
48.The Socialist Culture with Chinese Characteristics
49.Strengthening Confidence in Four Areas
50.The Five—Sphere Integrated Plan
51.The Two Centenary Goals
52.The Chinese Dream
53.Eight Rules Defined by the CPC Leadership
54.Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy
55.Comprehensively Completing the Building of a Moderately Prosperous Society
56.Comprehensively Deepening Reform
57.Comprehensively Advancing Law—Based Governance
5 8.Comprehensively Strengthening Party Discipline
59.Core Socialist Values
60.Modernizing the National Governance System and Govemance Capability
61.Socialist Consultative Democracy
62.The Innovation—Driven Development Strategy
63.The Economic New Normal
64.New Development Concepts
65.Supply—Side Structural Reform
66.Pilot Free Trade Zones
67.The Coordinated Development of the Beijing—Tianjin— Hebei Region
68.The Yangtze River Economic Belt
69.New—Type Urbanization
70.Targeted Measures in Poverty Alleviation and Elimination
71.Building a Strong Military in the New Era
72.The Strategy of Military—Civilian Integration
73.The Holistic Approach to National Security
74.Beautiful China
75.The Healthy China Initiative
76.A New Model of Intemational Relations
77.A Global Community of Shared Future
78.The Belt and Road Initiative
79.The 1 3th Five—Year Plan
80.People—Centered Development
81.Pursuing Progress While Ensuring Stability
82.Reform of the National Supervision System
83.Xiongan New Area
84.The 19th N~ional Congress ofthe CPC
85.Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era
86.Xi Jinping Thought on Building S~ong Armed Forces
87.Xi Jinping Thought on Economic Affairs
88.Chinese Socialism Entering a New Era
89.The Historic Mission of the CPC in the New Era
90.The Basic Policy of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
9 1.The Strategic Vision for Developing Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
92.The Principal Problem Confronting China in the New Era
93.The General Requirements of Party Building for the NewEra
94.The Four Great Endeavors
95.The Three Kev Battles
96.Building a Modern Economy
97.The Rural Revitalization Strategy
98.Opening Up on All Fronts
99.Promoting High—Quality Development
100.Embarking on a New Journey to Fully Build a Modern Socialist China
