2019年3月14日,国务院新闻办公室发表《2018年美国的人权纪录》,对美国侵犯人权的状况进行揭露,以回应美国政府此前发布的年度“国别人权报告”。人权纪录全文约2.6万字,从以下八个方面向世界展示美国真实的人权面貌:(1)公民权利屡遭践踏;(2)金钱政治大行其道;(3)贫富分化日益严重;(4)种族歧视变本加厉;(5)儿童安全令人担忧;(6)性别歧视触目惊心;(7)移民悲剧不断上演;(8)单边主义不得人心。此外,还以附录的形式列举了“2018年美国侵犯人权事记”,全部来自美国和西方主流媒体关于美国人权的报道。On March 13 local time, the State Department of the United States released its 2018 country reports on human rights practices, continued pointing fingers at and slandering human rights situations in over 190 countries, while blindly ignoring its own serious human rights problems. If one takes a glimpse into the human rights situation of the United States in 2018, it will not be difficult to find that the United States government, a self-styled "human rights defender," has a human rights record which is fiawed and lackluster, and the double standards of human rights it pursues are obvious.——Gun violence poses grave danger. There were a totalof 57,103 gun violence incidents in the United States in 2018, leaving 14,717 killed and 28,172 injured. The number of children and teens killed or injured was 3,502. Gun violence has shortened the life expectancy ofAmericans by nearly 2.5 years.