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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语商务英语第一次到中国:一个德国交换生在中国的故事(英)



定 价:¥98.00

作 者: (德)陶翠屏
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787508540979 出版时间: 2019-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 237 字数:  


  本书讲述德国中学生汉斯作为交换生来到上海,在中国学习和生活所经历的一些事情,用70多个问题描述他到中国的所见所闻和所想,带领读者体验中国文化之“和而不同”。比如:为什么用这么大的嗓门说话?中国人的主食是什么?新婚床上为什么放红枣和花生?什么是“一日为师,终身为父”?世上还有阴阳之分吗?“三百千”是什么?什么是中国人的治家法宝?等等。本书不是乏味的知识罗列,而是以汉斯在中国的生活经历为线索串起不同的故事,内容涉及中国传统文化和当下中国比较值得关注的一些发展变化,可读性强,特别适合那些想了解中国、到中国或准备到中国的外国读者阅读;流畅、地道的英文翻译,也适合国内大中学生英语学习参考。As a Chinese saying goes, “people living in places 10 li (5 km) apart speak with different accents, and the customs vary in places 100 li (50 km) away.” First Visit to China emphasizes the particularities of China and the Chinese nation through the experiences and feelings of Hans as a German exchange student to Shanghai. It contains more than 70 questions raised by Hans according to what he experienced, saw and heard in China. Answers to these questions are expected to help readers understand China's culture, landscapes, life, customs and other characteristics from different aspects.




Author's Message
1. A friend from afar
2. Are stores open as usual on Sundays and holidays?
3. What does the date marked on product packaging indicate?
4. What is your name?
5. What is the class-break setting-up exercise?
6. Who was China's first emperor?
7. Why do college students need military training?
8. How to cross the street?
9. Why do some people speak so loud in public places?
10. What are the units of renminbi?
11. How many dialects are there in China?
12. Can chopsticks replace knives and forks?
13. What's the staple food of the Chinese?
14. Are any provincial names associated with the mountains and rivers?
15. How many days belong to statutory holidays and festivals of China each year?
16. What are the 24 solar terms?
17. What is the Chinese zodiac?
18. How to buy train tickets?
19. Do passengers need to undergo a security check  at the railway station?
20. Does the bridegroom need to give red envelopes when fetching the bride?
